Megan Shoop-Volz

Photo of Megan Shoop-Volz
Mount Laurel, NJ
Lycoming College
Culinary History & Traditions, Holistic Nutrition & Wellness, Mocktails & Zero Proof Beverages
  • Megan has resided in rural Pennsylvania for much of her life, gaining hands-on experience building sustainable, zero-waste cooking habits.
  • At her mother and grandmother's side, she learned the basics of canning, freezing, and pickling, how to turn kitchen scraps into delicious soups and broths, and that good herbs and spices can make the simplest dish feel gourmet.
  • She has written for Spirituality & Health Magazine since 2020, exploring how to use everyday foods to soothe anxiety, improve skin health, and recover after a workout.


Megan began working as a professional writer for in 2009. There, she covered a wide array of topics while always gravitating toward pieces focused on food, whether that meant developing creative new ways to decorate sugar cookies or learning to grow strawberries upside-down. Raised by a historian, her passion for history and culture started when she was very young. Her father taught her to be curious and never stop learning, a lesson she's applied throughout her life. When she's not stocking her kitchen with homemade pesto or attempting to recreate a cheesecake recipe from 160 B.C.E., you can find her creating art, snuggling with her cat, or enjoying a leisurely brunch with her wife.


Megan has a bachelor's degree in English literature from Lycoming College.
Tasting Table Editorial Policies

Tasting Table’s editorial coverage hails from a veteran group of writers and editors with expertise in their respective fields in the food and drink, hospitality, and agriculture industries. Outside experts are also consulted to help deliver factual, up-to-date information and original recipes.

We strive to publish knowledgeable, engaging articles to give readers the information they're looking for, whether that is the news of the day; cooking tips, tricks, and trends; or reviews and recommendations. In an effort to provide the most comprehensive, current, and accurate content, our team is constantly reviewing and updating articles as necessary. Click here for more information on our editorial process.

Stories By Megan Shoop-Volz