The Popular Buffet Dish You Are, Based On Your Zodiac Sign

You're faced with a lot of choices when you walk up to a buffet. While it's always good to keep in mind why you get full so fast at buffets, approaching an all-you-can-eat situation with a plan of action can take a lot of the fun out of it. You will be grateful after, however. Never mind being overly full — knowing what to make space for on your plate and what to skip can save you from spending the next day stuck between your bed and the bathroom with food poisoning. Now, I'd argue that's much more fun — as is the popular buffet dish you are, based on your zodiac sign.

While I can't necessarily guarantee that every sign's associated buffet dish will be a winner in every circumstance, I can guarantee that they'll be popular choices. Below, you'll find how each zodiac's unique traits are reflected in the foods most frequented from the buffet table, along with the popular buffet dish your sign would be.


There are a lot of reasons to love Aries. But, being the babies of the zodiac, these signs have a lot to learn about life — something that many astrologers believe actually plays to their advantage. You see, these signs are represented by rams, symbolic of their tendency to leap head-first into everything they do. While that certainly leads them to a lot of hard-learned lessons, it also means they naturally take more chances. These signs don't let self-doubt, judgment from others, or the fear of failure stop them from going after what they want. What does get the best of them, however, is their competitive and fiery personalities.

Aries simply don't settle for anything less than the best, and when they don't get it, their immaturities start to show. So, to avoid any hot-headed Aries, it's important that these signs are not just any popular buffet dish — but the best one. If the Aries were any popular buffet dish, they'd be a prime rib roast (emphasis on the prime). Being so versatile and having such a rich flavor and tender texture (neither of which gets sacrificed when prepared in large quantities), this classic buffet item hits all the marks to be considered the best buffet food. But it gets extra points if it's carved on the spot.


Tauruses are commonly painted as being unnecessarily stubborn. While these bulls can certainly be difficult to move — and trying to convince them to do anything they don't want to would just be a waste of time — they have plenty of other, more positive traits. Being stubborn is really just a reflection of them holding true to their values. Reliability and consistency are two things that this sign values the most, so it only makes sense that they practice it themselves. Tauruses show up as the dependable, well-grounded friends that everyone knows them to be. That's why, if Taureses were any popular buffet dish, they'd be one everyone can depend on too: pasta.

Pasta is one of the most common buffet dishes served at buffets, and for good reason. The noodles — spaghetti, rigatoni, penne, fettuccine, or any other type of pasta — can easily be prepared in bulk. They can also be served with one of many different sauces, such as alfredo, pesto, or bolognese. While Tauruses are much more fixed and prefer to stick to one thing, pasta is a dish that can be easily adapted to suit all kinds of diets. But, no matter the variety, you can count on it to be tasty, making it an equally dependable choice as Tauruses are as friends.


Geminis are kind of notorious for being two-faced, but the truth is that these signs are just incredibly curious and sociable. While yes, it's true that they're represented by twins — an image that is usually depicted with two masks, it has nothing to do with them being sneaky or secretive. In fact, these signs couldn't keep secrets if their lives depended on it. The real reason why they're represented by twins is because the only way they'd be able to do everything with the number of friends and interests they have is if they could split themselves down the middle and be in two places at once.

While that may not be physically possible for them, the popular buffet dish they'd be might be of some help. Served in flavors from jalapeño and cheddar to everything, sesame to blueberry, and plain to cinnamon raisin, it's probably no surprise that the Gemini would be a bagel. Conveniently set right next to the toaster, along with some single-serving cream cheese spreads and elevating toppings, a bagel is perfect for the Gemini because it always starts with cutting your chosen bagel flavor in half.

Also, considering these signs love to gossip and bagel spreads are the perfect hack for hosting brunch, the two should go hand in hand. Just as long as there are mimosas in attendance, too.


Cancers aren't easy people to get to know. But underneath their hard shells, they're the sweetest signs of the zodiac. Cancers are deeply emotional and intuitive. You rarely ever have to explain to them how you're feeling — they just know. These signs are also known for being nostalgic, loyal, and protective — all traits that come into play as you get to know them more. It sure won't be easy, but it will be worth it. No sign will show you the same level of devotion and understanding. However, sometimes, it can be a bit overbearing. In many ways, these signs are too emotional for their own good, and they have a tendency to go overboard in their relationships.

Just like the Cancer, buffets invoke a sense of overindulgence. Without any limitations, it's easy to go too deep, and that's especially true if there are sweets on the table. Just like this sign, dessert buffets can either be really good or too good, but there's one dessert you should always hit, and that's the popular buffet dish the Cancer would be: the ice cream sundae. 

From the various flavors of ice cream to the sprinkles, chocolate chips, and, of course, the hot fudge, an ice cream sundae is easy to go overboard on. But, just like the Cancer, it's worth it. Just be sure to set some healthy boundaries.


There's no ignoring a Leo. These signs have the kind of personalities that ensure they rarely go unnoticed — even if it is somewhat intentional. Leos are ruled by the sun, after all. While they do have the tendency to assume the world revolves around them, they do take naturally to the spotlight. Every Leo thinks they're a celebrity deep down, and they live for the drama. They're the stars of their own lives. So, if they were any popular buffet dish on the table, they'd have to be one that always steals the show — making them none other than fried chicken.

Whenever fried chicken is on the buffet table, you can almost certainly bet people are going to flock to it first. Just like Leos, fried chicken always takes center stage. Warm and crispy on the outside and juicy and tender on the inside, everything else seems to fall into the background and become mere sides (or side characters). If there's fried chicken in the buffet, it's going to go first — even at Golden Corral, where our taste testers ranked fried chicken as the best buffet item of all. It even outshined the fried shrimp and pulled pork. That's something these signs should surely relate to.


Virgos are extremely productive. In fact, if you need something done, they're the first people you should ask for help. They'll surely lend a hand, even if it just means they get to cross one more thing off their to-do list at the end of the day. While that certainly can manifest in some negative ways (Virgos are famous for being perfectionists), there are some positives too. For example, they're the most likely to adopt healthy habits of all the zodiac signs. To them, everyday choices are just another building block toward a healthy lifestyle, and these signs are all about doing the little things that lead to something big. 

So, when Virgos have to decide whether or not they should save space on their plate for a serving of salad greens, their answer to that predicament will almost always be yes. But if they were any popular buffet dish in particular, they'd be the salad everyone — Virgo or not — looks forward to: Caesar salad. 

Tangy, creamy, and fresh — Caesar salad can be bulked up with grilled chicken or served as is to cater to a variety of different diets. But, no matter how it's served, most people will make room for it on their buffet plates.


Libras are known for their exquisite tastes. From their fashion to their homes, and from their taste in art to their Instagram grids, everything these signs do looks good. But they aren't quite as shallow as people perceive them to be. While it's certainly true that these signs do have an eye for symmetry, the balance and harmony they seek to fill their outside worlds with is just as important to them as the balance and harmony they seek to find within themselves. The main way they achieve that is through their relationships, which is why they'd be a buffet dish that — like them — is incomplete without its other half: mac and cheese.

What is mac without cheese? And what is cheese without mac? Who knows — but it's certainly better with each other. This classic comfort food simply doesn't make sense without both parts. Like the Libra, the two achieve a sort of balance that cannot be replicated in any other way, creating a food that's equally as good from a box as it is baked, plated, and served fresh from the buffet table. Mac and cheese is the glue that holds any meal together — and it doesn't hurt that it looks good, too. It might not be fancy, but there's just something about noodles and warm, melty cheese together that makes it into a harmonious masterpiece.


You never really know what a Scorpio is thinking — it's why they're famous for being mysterious. By keeping their cards close to their chest, the Scorpio leaves a lot of things up to the imagination, something that can be simultaneously alluring yet incredibly intimidating. Scorpios are strong and give off an air of confidence that makes those less secure feel almost domineered. While they can be the most loyal, passionate, and charismatic of friends, their secretive side means they're almost always hiding something. It's exactly that duality and the mystery that keeps people coming back, even despite the chances of getting stung. Uncoincidentally, similar things can be said about the popular buffet dish they'd be.

There are plenty of reasons why someone might want to keep their distance from Scorpios. They can be cold, aloof, detached, and, more often than not, intense — but the potential of what lies underneath and the experience of finding out draws people in. Similarly, there are plenty of reasons to avoid the chocolate fondue station at any buffet, the main one being the constant recycling of the chocolate and internal warmer provide the perfect environment for bacteria. Just like with these signs, the risk can sometimes far outweigh the reward — and, sometimes, it's exactly that risk that makes it feel so exhilarating. You just can't help but dip your toe, or a strawberry, into it.


Sagittariuses are hard to dislike. While they have a habit of being overly honest (and a tad brutal), they're also incredibly upbeat and energetic and always have a way of seeing the positive in any situation. Represented by the archer, Sagittariuses are commonly thought of as the adventurers of the zodiac. They're born with an innate curiosity about the world, and their philosophical side is always looking to expand their understanding of it. This usually manifests in a few different ways, including an openness to change as well as a constant rotation of reading materials. But it's their wanderlust that these signs are most famous for.

Sagittariuses see life as a quest for knowledge, and they'll travel far for it, even if that means going to Japan, a country constantly breaking its record of international visitors. Knowing that, the Sagittarius would have to be a buffet dish that's regional to Japan, and a breakfast item at that since it's one of the first ways tourists get to truly indulge in the country's culture. They would be the popular Japanese breakfast food natto, commonly available at hotel buffets in Japan. 

Natto is a fermented soybean dish that has a sticky consistency. When mixed with rice and served with poached eggs, natto will easily fuel Sagittariuses through whatever adventures they have planned.


Most people know Capricorns as hard workers. These signs love responsibility, and they're extremely goal driven. But their resilience and determination are what make them so successful. Capricorns are represented by mountain goats, and they'll scale mountain after mountain to get to where they want. In their eyes, anything that gets in their way or isn't directly conducive to their achievement is, simply, another bump along the road — and they won't slow down for anyone or anything. While they're often perceived as rule followers and workaholics, they can come off as cold and restrained. What people need to understand is that Capricorns are almost always thinking about the future. In it, they see all of the rewards of their hard work.

Capricorns work hard now so they can play more later, and they view luxury as a reward for their efforts. Knowing that, they'd be the popular buffet dish that brings a touch of elegance and luxury to the table — and also doubles as a reward in the here and now. That's why they'd be a shrimp cocktail. Served as a classic shrimp cocktail with red sauce on the side or the Mexican way with a blend of chopped avocado, fresh tomatoes, and shrimp, shrimp cocktails are refreshing and versatile. But, more importantly, they taste like a vacation — which everyone knows these signs could use. So, whether it's served at the resort buffet or at the work party, the Capricorn will benefit from a serving or two.


From their style to their opinions, Aquariuses always manage to stand apart in a crowd. Despite being sociable and smart, these signs prefer their independence, and while their eccentricities might come off as odd, they happen to be very forward-thinking. In fact, Aquariuses are known for being the most trendsetting of all the zodiacs. Knowing all of that, it's important that the Aquarius be a popular buffet dish that stands apart from the rest — one that, even amongst all the other options, can happily be enjoyed on its own. That's why, if the Aquarius were any dish served from the buffet tray, they'd have to be a dish made of potatoes.

Now, potatoes can be served in many different ways. There's the French fry, the Breakfast hash brown, the classic baked potato, and the ever-so-smooth mashed potato, just to name a few. But, knowing they're so trendsetting, it only makes sense they'd be the potato that's taken TikTok and the greater part of the U.K. by storm: the jacket potato. All the better, too, because one of them is enough to constitute a meal all on its own. Served along with toppings like baked beans, cheese, sour cream, and butter, the jacket potato is a rather innovative buffet dish that hasn't quite taken off yet domestically. However, that only makes it all the more fitting for these forward-thinking signs.


Of all the signs on the zodiac calendar, Pisces are the most "go with the flow." Just like the fish that represent them, these signs seem to swim through life — trusting that the tide will take them wherever they're meant to be. Their boundlessness is simultaneously attractive to some and frustrating to others, not only because they're so easily impressionable but also because they never seem to be fully present. It seems that the Pisces' boundlessness extends to their imaginations, causing them to be in a constant state of daydreaming.

Born with an innate sense of empathy, creativity, and mysticism, there's truly no sign like the Pisces. But, if they were any popular buffet dish, they'd have to be one that's representative of their fleeting and boundless nature. With that in mind, it only makes sense that of all the popular dishes on the buffet table, they would be grilled salmon. Light and flavorful, salmon filets can take all kinds of seasonings and marinades, and be served on everything from salad and grilled vegetables to potatoes and pasta.

Much like this sign, grilled salmon gets along with just about everything and — with all of its nutritional benefits — everyone. Considering that it's one of the most popular varieties of seafood in the U.S., that much isn't up for debate. But, in light of this sign's empathy and interest in human nature, they might want to consider eating less Alaskan king salmon and more of other less heavily fished species.
