Every Nespresso Barista Creations Pod, Ranked Worst To Best
If you own a Nespresso machine, you've probably heard of the brand's Barista Creations pod line. The line was designed to inspire Nespresso customers to become their own baristas. The curated pod flavors be used for many different beverages and allow for an array of flavor possibilities. And if you don't consider yourself the creative coffee type, no worries. Nespresso had recommended ways to drink each pod; for example, it suggests you brew some pods with milk while others are meant to be enjoyed over ice.
As a coffee enthusiast and experienced barista, I love playing around with coffee's flavor profiles. It's funny how much its flavor can change depending on how you drink it; even just a dash of milk can bring out nutty, roasted notes that might otherwise get lost in a cup. I was curious about what Nespresso's Barista Creations line gives its customers to work with, and whether or not its pods provide a good springboard for coffee creativity. I tested all of the pods in the line, in addition to some limited-edition choices, and ranked them based on their overall flavor profile and depth. I tried each cup black, unless was specifically suggested otherwise, to get as pure of a taste as I could.
Some recommendations are based on firsthand impressions of promotional materials and products provided by the manufacturer.
12. Rich Chocolate
Unfortunately for all you chocolate lovers out there, Nespresso's Barista Creations Rich Chocolate pod was an easy pick for last place. I wasn't excited to try it from the moment it started brewing. I love smelling coffee as it brews, Nespresso pods included, because it clues me in to the coffee's expected flavor profile. Usually, it makes me look forward to taking that first sip. The aroma of this Rich Chocolate pod, on the other hand, did quite the opposite. I couldn't quite identify what I was smelling at first. Though the scent was kind of chocolatey, it was also overwhelmingly artificial.
It took a minute to figure out what the smell reminded me of, and when the realization hit me, it refused to go away. This pod smelled unmistakably like a Tootsie Roll. Now, I don't have anything against the candy, but it's not what I expect to smell when brewing a self-proclaimed "Rich Chocolate" coffee pod. Unfortunately, its flavor was also reminiscent of the childhood treat. The chocolate was entirely too mellow and I'm inclined to think it would barely be present with milk. Plus, its artificiality overwhelmed me. I could see a case being made for turning this into a caffeinated hot chocolate by stirring some powder into a fresh-brewed cup. But otherwise, you won't find me trying this one again.
11. Peppermint Pinwheel
Peppermint Pinwheel certainly isn't the first limited-edition pod to underwhelm consumers, and I'm sure it won't be the last. This pod was decidedly disappointing, and I felt like it had no reason to be. Since peppermint-flavored coffee is no new invention, this should have been an easy home run for Nespresso. Should the company release this limited-edition pod again, I'd hope it alters the recipe a bit to make it more palatable. Until it does though, I wouldn't recommend buying this pod.
I had similar issues with this pod as with the Rich Chocolate pod. Namely, its peppermint flavor wasn't enough to intrigue me or make me want to play around with this brew at all. This was made almost worse by the fact that, while brewing, its peppermint aroma was actually quite heavy. I felt teased when the flavor didn't match the intensity of its aroma. Rather than hitting you at the beginning of the sip, the peppermint feels almost like a lingering afterthought. All it did was cool my throat rather than imparting a seasonal sensation. However, if you're just looking for a good base coffee to load up with pepperminty accoutrements (like peppermint creamer, peppermint whipped cream, peppermint syrup, or candy cane pieces), then this Nespresso selection may be up your alley.
10. Sweet Vanilla
Curious as to why Nespresso's Sweet Vanilla pod got such a low spot on this list? It was, again, underwhelming. I felt almost the same as I did with the Peppermint Pinwheel one. Vanilla and coffee is by no means a new flavor combination, and I feel it should have been easier for the company to ace this one. Though I'd hesitate to call this pod bad, it definitely didn't live up to its name — a shame considering it has so much potential.
Nespresso's Sweet Vanilla pod is neither sweet nor vanilla-tasting. In fact, this was one of the most bitter of the pods I've tried, and it didn't finish smoothly at all. The vanilla was so subtle I'd never have guessed it was there if it wasn't for the pod's name. If you want to taste any vanilla in this coffee, you're probably going to have to add your own flavoring. The point of the Barista Creations line is to inspire innovation — but for this one, you're going to have to start by finding ways to make it palatable.
9. Roasted Hazelnut
I can already tell this is going to be a divisive placement in my ranking, but I promise, I gave it a lower-middle spot for a reason. Before I get into it, I'll make it clear that I was ultimately confused by this cup, and I really couldn't decide how much I enjoyed it. I could see this being a pod that I'd love one day and hate the next. I think its strengths also work against it for some consumers. I'm guessing it has a die-hard fanbase as well as a set of customers who wouldn't touch it with a 10-foot pole.
The pros: This pod smells wildly hazelnutty. I could smell it brewing from across the room. It offered a welcome departure from the barely-there scent (and flavor) of the Sweet Vanilla pod. But when I tried it, I couldn't make up my mind for how I felt about it. Its hazelnut flavor was mostly present in the aftertaste (similar to Nespresso's Peppermint Pinwheel pods) and the hazelnut flavor I got during the sip tasted, again, slightly artificial. At least it was there, which is more than I can say for some of the previous pods. If you like everything hazelnut, you may find yourself loving this one, but I wouldn't recommend trying it if you tend to be on the fence about hazelnut flavors.
8. Bianco Doppio
This and the following two spots on my list all went to the Barista Creations "Bianco" offerings — Bianco Doppio, Bianco Forte, and Bianco Piccolo. I enjoyed each of these. However, I enjoyed my top-ranked selections more as they were enjoyable black, whereas I'm not sure that any of the Bianco flavors would have been. I'm not knocking drinking coffee with milk, but I don't love when coffee begs for a splash of cream — I'd rather have the option, rather than it be a necessity.
Nevertheless, I brewed each of the Biancos over milk as intended. My least favorite of the three was Bianco Doppio, which came as a bit of a shock. I assumed I would like this light roast blend (after all, most of my favorite coffees are light roasts) but I found myself wondering why the company suggests making it with milk. I thought it would taste better black, so I tried it black and ended up liking it way more. It's a very bright, juicy, acidic roast that almost soured the milk when I tried it the first time. The milk did it no favors, and the coffee overwhelmed the palate with a potent acidity that I didn't find very appealing. When drank black, its bright citrus notes shone through beautifully.
7. Bianco Forte
Next up, Nespresso's Bianco Forte pod stood in stark contrast to the previous Bianco Doppio. Whereas the last selection was bright, fruity, and acidic, Bianco Forte was dark, deep, and rich, and it was apparent right off the bat when Nespresso recommended drinking this brew with milk. The milk brightened and amplified this coffee's flavor profile without muting it. I found the coffee was strong enough to hold its own against the weight of the cream, and you'll find me drinking it when I need a strong, jittery morning cup.
Dark, roasty notes take center stage throughout each sip — and not in an unpleasant way. I wouldn't say that this cup boasts the greatest depth of flavor of the coffees on this list, but I do think it will hit the mark for consumers who like strong coffee with a bit of cream, though its finish is slightly bitter. It wasn't my personal favorite of the coffees on this list, but it's also not one I think customers should stay away from. Personal preference will dictate whether you like this coffee or not, though I think it's a safe choice for the non-adventurous, strong-coffee drinker.
6. Bianco Piccolo
Nespresso's Bianco Piccolo, my favorite of the Bianco series, is the perfect option if you want to make a cortado with your Nespresso machine. I ended up brewing this a couple times to dial in the ideal milk to coffee ratio and ended up landing on a coffee that's milkier than I typically prefer. All in all, Bianco Piccolo surprised me with its strength and depth of flavor, and I'm not sure I've ever had such a strong Nespresso pod.
I definitely think this pod would be too strong to drink black, but I tried not to let that taint my opinion of it — after all, that's why the company recommends brewing it with milk. I won't be brewing it any other way. The milk lifts what would otherwise be an extraordinarily heavy shot, allowing its nutty cereal notes to be fully expressed while retaining the natural strength of the coffee. Moreover, this is definitely a shot you can play with, and I could see it marrying well with a number of flavor combinations.
5. Sunny Almond Vanilla
Nespresso's Sunny Almond Vanilla is one of the pods the company recommends brewing over ice. Overall, I actually ended up liking all of the "Over Ice" pods a lot without any accoutrements. Unlike the company's cold brew pods, these can be brewed in a standard Vertuo machine; you don't need one that accommodates XL pods. This flavor in particular is another limited-edition pod. If it's still in stock at the time of reading this, I'd recommend grabbing a sleeve or two in case it disappears for good.
Though I had a couple qualms with this cup, the pros definitely outweighed the cons. I'm excited to drink it again during the summer. Brewing it over ice gave the coffee a creamy texture even without milk, and the almond and vanilla flavors were definitely identifiable, though I think they could have been a bit stronger. However, this cup was interesting and different from the others. Almond flavors rounded out the slight bit of sourness present in the cup. None of the flavors linger very long after the sip, and that's no knock against it; it just made me want to keep drinking it.
4. Ice Forte
Ice Forte is, obviously, another Nespresso pod meant to be brewed over a full cup of ice. This pod brewed with such an impressive amount of crema that it nearly overflowed my mug. I had to sip most of it off so it didn't spill over. This is a great pod to brew if you like a large iced coffee and I was very impressed by its flavor as well.
I had only one qualm with this pod that caused it to rank slightly below my top picks. Brewing it over ice watered it down slightly, which I feel like Nespresso should have accounted for — given that the company recommends brewing it over ice. Other than that, it had a great flavor profile. It's a well-crafted drink with smooth dark notes and the rich chocolate flavor that I was looking for in the Rich Chocolate pod — with none of the artificiality. It also boasted a bit of nuttiness and didn't finish bitter at all; I could easily drink this one black in the summer or add a splash of cream to it (though no more than a splash, as I'd be concerned about watering it down even more). If you want a smooth yet strong cup to drink in the summer and dress up to your liking, this wouldn't be a bad choice.
3. Golden Caramel
I'd like to call Nespresso's Golden Caramel a severely underrated Nespresso pod. I was impressed by this one, and it was one of the reasons why I ranked the Sweet Vanilla flavor so low. Nespresso showed its craftiness with this pod — and it should have been able to do the same with its Sweet Vanilla offering. Though this cup would hold up fine to some milk and a dash of creativity, I didn't think it needed it. Part of why I'm ranking it this high is because it's likely to be enjoyable no matter how you choose to consume it.
The caramel shone through in this cup straight away — and not in the over-roasted way that caramel notes frequently show up in coffee. Instead of being a slightly bitter, roasty caramel, it was a bright and sweet caramel that sat behind my teeth immediately upon taking a sip. The caramel sweetness also lingered after the sip in the most pleasant way, and though I can't call this a sweet coffee, I enjoyed the saccharine hints you get throughout the sip. The coffee has an impeccably smooth finish, and overall I found this to be a really well-balanced pod that's likely to inspire creativity even in the casual consumer.
2. Ice Leggero
If you're looking for a Nespresso pod to make a creamy iced latte in the summertime, look no further than the brand's Ice Leggero pods. This one was stunning and offered a journey in every sip, unlike any other pod on this list did. It was nice and creamy even without milk, though I certainly don't think milk would dull it. Also, unlike my previous ice pod choice, brewing over ice didn't water this coffee down in the slightest.
This coffee surprised me with a slight bitterness at the start of the sip. But that flavor was quickly overtaken by fruity, juicy notes and a remarkably sweet finish. This made for an overall very interesting flavor profile that stood in stark contrast to the more one-note coffees on this list. It's not as smooth as the Ice Forte, but I'm ranking it higher because of how interesting it is. I recommend trying this black before deciding how you want to dress it up. I could see it being complemented well by a strawberry syrup and some cream (think a strawberries-and-cream flavor profile) for the summer months.
1. Peanut & Roasted Sesame
Given that Michelin Star Chef Jean Imbert created this Nespresso pod, I wasn't surprised to find it easily took the top spot on my list. I love when sesame flavors pop up in unexpected places — one of my favorite flavors of gelato is black sesame, and it always has a mature nutty appeal that I like to see in bakes and beverages. Nespresso's Peanut and Roasted Sesame pod is no exception. I was delighted by its rich, playful flavor profile that kept me coming back sip after sip.
If you're anything like me, you'll be excited to taste this from the moment it starts brewing. Its peanut aroma was given some weight by the roasted sesame, cluing me in to how indulgent this coffee is. I was right — it was nutty and impeccably smooth to sip. Though I loved having this one black, I felt I'd be doing it a disservice not to try it with other flavor combinations. It's a delightful pod with a ton of potential. I will say that the flavor profile doesn't change much from the beginning to the end of a sip, but honestly, I didn't mind in the least. This is another limited-edition pod, so if it's still available when you're reading this, don't hesitate to grab a few sleeves.
I tried each cup black to get the purest possible feeling of its flavor profile unless specifically directed otherwise. I believe that while you can dress up pretty much any coffee to make it taste better, a really exceptional coffee will deliver well enough on its own. Though this line is meant for consumers to create beverages with, each coffee needed to at least provide a good springboard for inspiration. For example, while the Rich Chocolate pod could have been made better with milk, it wasn't inspiring enough on its own to make me want to do anything with it.
The top choices, on the other hand, shone in their own light and presented me with flavor profiles that set my creative wheels turning. The middling pods on my list were mostly ones that Nespresso suggested you brew with milk. Though these Bianco pods were all good, the milk may be the reason why. Otherwise, they didn't stand out well enough on their own.