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The Best Nespresso Pods For A Creamy Iced Latte

Finding the "perfect" Nespresso pod is subjective on many levels, including personal taste inclinations but also the intended type of coffee drink. Iced coffees in particular depend on choosing just the right kind of pod. That goes double for creamy iced lattes. Adding ice dilutes the strength and flavor of the Nespresso pods, while the milk neutralizes it even more. That means you need a pod with a highly defined flavor to withstand the icy onslaught. Fortunately, Nespresso offers some excellent choices — including ones made especially for cold drinks. 

In the Vertuo line of coffees, those cool-kid pods go by the names of Ice Legerro and Ice Forte. The Ice Forte pods appeal to Nespresso fans like myself who think there's no such thing as a too-strong cup of coffee, whether hot or cold, milky or not. The flavor is bold, rich, and intense, with a dark roasting level of five out of five. The South American and Indonesian Arabica beans bring woody, peppery, and cereal notes to iced lattes. 

Ice Leggero, on the other hand, comes with a roast level of only three out of five, making it light and fruity with hints of cereal. It's important to note that this one is a double espresso pod, meaning that it dispenses only 2.7 fluid ounces of highly concentrated coffee. So, when adding ice and milk for an iced latte, there are still some pretty solid flavors dispersing throughout the drink. 

Many Nespresso pods rise to the icy occasion

The Ice pods are a good start for making iced coffees, but plenty of other Nespresso pods and capsules make excellent choices for a creamy iced latte. Keep in mind that a milky latte drink, cold or hot, needs a coffee that holds its own. One approach is to choose a pod that Nespresso rates as having a relatively high-intensity level, generally ranging from level 6 to 12, or sometimes higher. 

In a Nespresso recipe guide for making iced lattes, the company recommends that Vertuo customers try the Double Espresso Chiaro pod, which rates 11 on the intensity scale, featuring a roasted, smoky character with notes of cocoa and vanilla. For those desiring a lighter, sweeter, more gentle cold drink, the Vertuo Voltessa espresso pod rates on the other end of the scale at level four. 

In Nespresso's Original line, the Freddo Intenso capsules carry the torch for iced coffee drinks, bringing the same deep intensity as the Vertuo Ice Forte. Three other suggestions for iced lattes include the rich, creamy, Italian-inspired Firenze Arpeggio capsules; the slightly less intense Master Crafted Single Origins Indonesia coffee made from wet-hulled beans with cured tobacco notes; and the light, sweet, and fruity Volluto espresso blend. Regardless of which pod you choose, making the ideal iced latte is pretty simple if you layer the ingredients: Ice, then milk and desired flavorings, and chilled coffee poured over the top. 
