The Definitive Best Non-Dairy Milk To Pick Up At Trader Joe's

Plant-based milk alternatives have exploded in recent years — look no further than the Trader Joe's fridge for proof. From almond to macadamia and rice to oat, it's borderline excessive how many cartons TJ's manages to squeeze into its smaller-than-average fridges. But, that's not to say that anyone's complaining about it — it's always good to have options. Still, when you're shopping at TJ's, there is one dairy-free carton you should reach for before all of the others, and based on our taste tester's ranking of 13 of the grocer's non-dairy beverages, the definitive best is the Non-Dairy Chocolate Oat Beverage.

Can any non-dairy-based milk beverage taste bad if it's mixed with chocolate? It's unlikely. Trader Joe's chocolate oat beverage, however, far outranks its original flavor, which does say something. But, it's nothing to do with the texture. In fact, both the chocolate and original oat milk beverages from Trader Joe's would benefit from the addition of some thickening agents — although, that would only add to both products' impressively simple ingredient lists (which some see as a plus).

What really makes this chocolatey, oat beverage pull off a first-place position is its flavor. This milk alternative is rich and smooth, with a taste that leans more towards the realm of dark chocolate despite literally serving as a milk substitute. Interestingly, it does so without tasting bitter — giving it many more uses than you might think. Although, our taste tester enjoyed drinking it all on its own.

Chocolate oat milk has more uses than you might think

Trader Joe's chocolate oat beverage might not be the first carton you'd think to pick up for all intents and purposes — and, if you're looking for a dairy alternative that can be used as a substitute in all of the same applications you'd use cow's milk, you're likely going to prefer a plain option. For that, our taste tester's recommendation would be the unsweetened original almond beverage or a carton of plain Oatly which, despite not being sold at TJ's, is by far the best brand of oat milk. But, even with one of those in your fridge, the Trader Joe's chocolate oat beverage is still worth adding to your cart, and it will prove to be a lot more useful than you might assume.

Chocolate milk is a perfectly acceptable drink to enjoy on its own — and this oat version is no exception. But, it's also an easy, short-cut ingredient to creamy and more chocolatey vegan chocolate chia seed pudding and the key to a richer, non-dairy dessert pudding. Mixed into your oats and topped with seasonal fruit, TJ's non-dairy chocolate oat beverage also makes a serving of cocoa overnight oats even more convenient to prepare the evening before you have to get up early for work. Plus, whizzed up in your blender along with some frozen bananas, greens, and your go-to vegan protein powder, it can also make your post-workout smoothies taste like a treat.
