10 Philadelphia Cream Cheese Spreads, Ranked

There's nothing better than a bagel with cream cheese in one of its many varieties on those mornings when you're trying to get out the door at the last minute but still want a breakfast that's going to satisfy your cravings. And although there are quite a few different cream cheese brands out there to choose from, there's one that you may come across at the grocery store more than others: Philadelphia. The original flavor may be the one you're most closely acquainted with, but the brand actually offers several different flavors and textures to choose from.

I tasted and ranked 10 different varieties of Philadelphia cream cheese. That way, you'll have a little bit of guidance when you're trying to find one to pair with your favorite type of bagel, especially when there are so many from which to choose. I tested out each of these flavors both on their own and on a plain mini bagel to assess the flavor and texture and how well they paired with their intended vessel. 

10. Whipped mixed berry

Love cream cheese but hate how dense it is? In that case, you may want to check out Philadelphia's line of whipped cream cheeses. These whipped varieties are a bit lighter than their original counterparts, and that lovely, airy texture makes for a more interesting bagel experience. When it comes to the flavor of the whipped mixed berry, though, I wasn't a fan.

Don't get me wrong — the texture here can't be beat. In fact, I like the whipped texture more than the original. But even that interesting texture couldn't save the whipped mixed berry cream cheese from ending up in the worst spot in this ranking. This cream cheese is simply too sweet. It tastes more like a sweetened berry yogurt than it does actual cream cheese. Perhaps this stuff would be more at home in a dessert recipe, but if you're just using your cream cheese for a bagel, there are better options to choose from in the Philadelphia lineup — even if you tend to like fruity flavors more than savory ones.

9. Plant-based original

I really, really wanted to like Philadelphia's plant-based original cream cheese that launched in 2023. After all, we should all be moving more in the direction of plant-based foods if we want to do the right thing for the environment. Other brands are already out there making amazing plant-based cream cheese, so I hoped that Philadelphia would pull through on this for us here. But this is not a good plant-based cream cheese. Texture-wise, this stuff is pretty difficult to spread. It doesn't offer the same textural experience that you would expect from any other type of dairy-based cream cheese.

Then there's the flavor. Honestly, there's not really much going on here besides a vaguely creamy and bland flavor profile. If you're piling other toppings — think gourmet — on your bagel, then this may not be a bad option. But if you're actually interested in a flavorful cream cheese you can use all on its own, this variety is not it.

8. Blueberry

Was the blueberry flavor my favorite of all the cream cheese flavors I tried from Philadelphia? Not even close. This cream cheese, like the whipped mixed berry, was painfully sweet — so much so that it barely even tasted like cream cheese at all. Rather, a powerfully fruity (and super, super sweet) flavor profile took the reins and drowned out any nuance in the flavor at all. The result is not delicious, unless you're looking for something that resembles fruity yogurt.

But I do have to give Philadelphia blueberry cream cheese a few points, at least, because its recipe contains actual blueberries. You can actually scoop up whole blueberries in the product, which isn't that common when it comes to blueberry-flavored products. For that fact alone, the blueberry flavor comes in ahead of some of the other options on this list. That being said, I still probably wouldn't buy this stuff again.

7. Strawberry

Love a fruity-flavored cream cheese but want a more subtle, less sweet flavor? In that case, you may want to turn to Philadelphia's strawberry flavor. It still wasn't among my favorites of the bunch, but this flavor seems to be a lot milder and less intensely sweet than the other fruity varieties on this list. It also has 2 fewer grams of total sugar than the blueberry flavor. Plus, you can actually taste the flavor of strawberry — it doesn't have that artificial taste that you may encounter with other brands.

Personally, I wouldn't choose to use this stuff on bagels, but I think it could be nice in some desserts. The next time you want to make a strawberry cheesecake or anything else that calls for a creamy texture and fruity flavor, you may want to use this product. However, if you're just looking for the best flavored cream cheese out there, Philadelphia has better options to offer you.

6. Garden vegetable

When you want to get your day off to a light, fresh start but still leave the house full and satisfied, check out Philadelphia's garden vegetable cream cheese. While it's true that this is the worst-ranked savory flavor, considering that all of the savory flavors from the brand are so good, you can still count on this variety to hit the spot whenever you're looking for that vegetal flavor on your morning bagel.

The ingredients for this product includes red and green bell peppers, carrots, onions, and cucumbers, so you'll get a variety of veggie flavors in every bite. They're chopped up into small pieces, though, so you're not dealing with a chunky cream cheese. That being said, those veggies don't offer the recipe a lot of flavor, so it's really all about texture — and that's why this product didn't end up higher on this ranking. I think this stuff tastes its best when it's enjoyed with actual fresh veggies, where it can really complement those fresh flavors. Add an egg to make a delicious bagel breakfast sandwich.

5. Original

It's great to be able to choose from a wide variety of products. But sometimes, the original and most basic version of something is exactly what you're looking for. That's certainly true when it comes to the original Philadelphia cream cheese. There's nothing unusual or particularly unique going on here. You're just getting cream cheese as is, with no additions. And you know what? It's pretty good.

The original flavor didn't take the top spot just because so many of the other flavors were more interesting or more special. But if you're simply looking for a good quality cream cheese, Philadelphia has you covered. It has a thick but easily spreadable consistency, and it delivers a creamy punch that's both flavorful and somewhat neutral. And if you want a bit more flavor, try our recipe for whipped everything cream cheese that uses the original variety as a base.

But the original flavor is still the best option if you're planning on layering on a bunch of other toppings. It may not be the most exciting product out there, but it is a staple you should keep on hand.

4. Chive and onion

Chive and onion isn't for everyone. After all, what happens if you take a bite, and suddenly, you can't get the overpowering flavor of onion out of your mouth for hours, even after brushing your teeth multiple times? Well, luckily, you won't have to worry about that when it comes to Philadelphia's chive and onion cream cheese. It has a relatively mild flavor, and that onion taste comes through as fresh, not stinky. It's subtle in a nice way, and you can really layer it on your bagel without worrying that the flavor will be too strong. Of course, if you want a stronger onion flavor, you can always add some fresh onion or even onion powder.

Perhaps the best part of this cream cheese spread is the fact that it has some texture to it. There are actually little pieces of onion in the mix, and you can feel them as you chew. This cream cheese is lovely on its own, but it also shines when it's paired with other ingredients.

3. Whipped garlic and herb

The onion and chive flavor may not be quite as pronounced as I anticipated, but I can't say the same thing for Philadelphia's whipped garlic and herb cream cheese. As soon as you open a container of this stuff, you're going to get an intense whiff of garlic — and that's just the way I like it. You're not just getting a whisper of that garlic taste here. Rather, this allium flavor is strong — definitely strong enough to compete with other flavors, should you choose to add it to a sandwich.

The texture here is also really nice. It has that same whipped consistency as the mixed berry version on this list, but the savory flavor works much better. It doesn't have any sugariness competing for my attention. It's not quite as interesting as some of the other flavors I tried in this ranking, but this is still one of the best cream cheeses I've ever tried. It deserves this spot in the top three. Garlic lovers, this is your sign to try it out.

2. Smoked salmon

I'll admit that I didn't have high hopes when it came to Philadelphia's smoked salmon cream cheese. I didn't think this stuff could possibly taste that good. After all, how can smoked salmon taste fresh when it's kept in a plastic tub in the fridge? But I'm happy to say that I was completely wrong about the smoked salmon flavor of cream cheese because it's really, really delicious. It's actually made with smoked salmon, so you're not getting some strange artificial flavor here. That being said, it doesn't have big chunks of salmon in the mix, so if that's what you're looking for, you should probably just go grab yourself a pack of smoked salmon and some plain cream cheese instead (or try one of these tasty recipes featuring smoked salmon instead).

The only thing that keeps this flavor out of the top spot is the fact that this cream cheese is so, so salty. Some people won't mind that, but others may find that strong saltiness off-putting. If you can tolerate the salty flavor, then this product is a must-try.

1. Spicy jalapeño

I always feel doubtful when I see a product labeled "spicy." Oftentimes, these products aren't really that spicy at all. But when it comes to Philadelphia's spicy jalapeno flavor, the company knows what it's doing. First of all, though, let's get one thing straight: This is likely far from the spiciest thing you've ever eaten. It has a nice, mild spice to it that's appealing to a wide range of palates. At the same time, there's enough heat there to keep things interesting for the people who actually do love spicy food.

This is also the one cream cheese I tried in this ranking that I specifically wouldn't recommend pairing with other toppings. It's not that I don't think it would taste good if there were other flavors in the mix. Rather, this stuff just tastes so good on its own that I don't want its flavor to be drowned out by anything else. If you have to try one Philadelphia cream cheese flavor and you're a fan of spice, then this is the choice for you.


I chose these flavors of Philadelphia cream cheese based on availability at my local grocery store. Once I purchased them, I tasted each one both on its own and on a plain mini bagel. This allowed me to assess the flavors on their own as well as how well they would taste atop a carby base like a bagel. 

These cream cheese spreads are ranked based mostly on flavor; better-tasting and more balanced products took the lead. However, I also considered texture and consistency, which was especially important for the whipped varieties.
