Sweet Tamales Are The Unexpected Dessert Your Dinner Party Needs

Desserts can come in many different shapes and forms, spanning a variety of flavors and complexities. For those with a sweet tooth, it might seem like the sweeter, the better; however, you can always experiment by combining both sweet and savory flavors to create a balanced and thoughtful dessert that doesn't risk a tummy ache.

If you love a good twist on a savory dish, try a sweetened version of the classic tamale for an unexpected and unforgettable dessert. Although when you think of a tamale, dessert might not be the first thing that comes to mind, tamales dulces — or sweet tamales — are a popular holiday treat and street food all over Mexico. These are the perfect way to change up your typical dinner party offerings with a dessert that is as hearty and comforting as it is delightfully decadent.

The concept of sweet tamales may seem new to some, but you might be surprised to find out that this version of the dish actually dates back to 16th century Mexico and their savory counterparts to ancient times. You can use fruit, chocolate, caramel, or a combination of all three. Uchepos, the tamales made with sweet pureed corn, are also a great dessert spin on the traditional dish. Although still time-consuming, today's sweet tamales take a more streamlined approach with the advent of instant corn masa flour and pre-made fruit fillings. Trying out dessert tamales will truly up your dessert game and impress your guests.

The best sweet tamales to try

All things considered, the absolute best way to eat tamales is with gusto. Indulging in the warmth of fluffy masa bursting with delicious dessert fillings is a reward for the labor and effort put into making them. Starting out with a basic recipe for beef tamales, for example, will give you the building blocks to understanding the mechanics of filling your corn husks with masa and creating the housing to add your dessert fillings. Consider taking a sweeter approach to your masa by adding sugar and spices first before adding your fruit and sweet filling. There are so many fun ways you can add a dessert spin to your sweet tamales ranging from basic pairings to more experimental.

Piña or pineapple makes a great filling for a sweet corn tamale. You can also pair it with coconut for a tropical twist. Strawberries are a common flavor for tamales dulces as well, to which you can add cherries or chocolate too. Trying a mixture of raisins, cinnamon and spices in your sweet tamale would taste extra delicious paired alongside a velvety champurrado, or Mexican drinking chocolate. You can even fill your tamales with a hibiscus jam for a dessert tamale inspired by a traditional agua de jamaica, or hibiscus tea.

Consider the main components of your dinner and how you wish to complement the flavors you're already working with. However you prepare your sweet tamale, just remember to take your time and enjoy.