What 'We Proudly Serve Starbucks' Signs Actually Mean

No matter what corner of the world you're in, the scents and savors of Starbucks are never too far away. They may sometimes be even closer than you realize, hiding right under your nose. If you've ever stumbled upon a "We Proudly Serve Starbucks" sign, you know what we're talking about. These indicators point out locations that may lack the green mermaid emblem on the door but where you can still buy a cup of certified Starbucks Joe.

How is this possible, you may ask? Well, through the We Proudly Serve Starbucks Coffee Program, of course. The program was launched in 2018 through a collaboration between the coffeehouse giant and Nestle. To put it simply, it allows for businesses and entities such as hotels, hospitals, colleges, and other workplaces to use Starbucks beans and sell both everyday and seasonal Starbucks drinks while operating independently of corporate-run stores.

This steamy arrangement can take on multiple forms, one of which is the standard coffee shop format where baristas brew and blend your beverages using Starbucks-approved ingredients and equipment — including its custom Mastrena espresso machines. At these cozy establishments, you can also find non-Starbucks items on the menu as well as varying prices and even preparation methods. Other options include Starbucks self-serve machines and single-serve pods or instant coffee packets — two solutions often found at places such as modern apartment complexes. Lastly, brewed Starbucks Pike Place Roast coffee and other branded materials are available and perfect for offices or smaller-scale meetings and events.

Not to be confused with licensed Starbucks cafes

Beyond these "We Proudly Serve" locations and full-fledged company-owned stores, there are several other ways to get your Starbucks fix. The multinational roastery is no stranger to the world of retail. You can find its coffee beans, creamers, K-cups, and ready-to-drink beverages like Frappuccinos at most convenience and grocery stores, all available for at-home java consumption. Plus, you can find fully functioning Starbucks stores nestled inside these same supermarkets as well as in airports, larger hotels, and other establishments. These are known as licensed Starbucks cafes and actually make up almost 50% of all Starbucks locations worldwide, according to GoBankingRates.

Based on a simple description alone, these licensed stores sound nearly identical to the "We Proudly Serve Starbucks" coffee shops, don't they? However, there are a few key differences. First off, even though they are technically owned by the licensee — such as Target or Kroger — they are nearly identical to standalone Starbucks locations in terms of appearance, branding, and products. Licensed outlets also serve solely Starbucks drinks and foods, offering a consistent experience from place to place. The only variations you may find between these in-store set-ups and corporate-owned Starbucks locations are slight disparities in pricing, rewards policies, and a more condensed or simplified menu. Generally speaking, you're more likely to get that authentic Starbucks experience at a licensed location rather than at a "We Proudly Serve" program participant. But hey, some form of Starbucks is better than no Starbucks, right?
