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How To Find Out The Exact Capacity Of Your Bundt Cake Pan

You are scrolling for something sweet to bake and inspiration hits in the form of a comforting sticky toffee pudding Bundt cake. You dig out your favorite Bundt pan with a dramatic swirl, like this Nordic Ware Heritage Bundt Pan, read the recipe, and turn the Bundt over and over looking for a size marker without success. The recipe calls for a 10 to 12-cup Bundt pan, but you have no idea if this matches yours. Unlike a square or plain round cake pan, where you can use a ruler to figure it out, Bundt pans are typically qualified by volume rather than diameter, likely because of how the various designs impact the height and width.


Before you decide not to bake the buttery, sweet cake you crave, there is a very easy, quick way to find the capacity of your Bundt pan. All you have to do is fill the pan with measured amounts of water, keeping track of how much you are adding until the pan is filled to the top. The number of cups needed is the volume of your Bundt pan.

Why does the capacity matter?

Like any cake recipe, it's important to bake in the correct size pan for several reasons. First, it will prevent the batter from overflowing during baking. A good recipe will create enough batter so there is room for the cake to rise, but still be contained by the sides of the pan. Not using the correct size pan will also alter the cooking time and look of the cake. If the pan is too full, it will take longer to bake through, making the exterior prone to excessive browning or burning and increasing the chances of it sticking to the pan when trying to unmold. If there is too little batter in the pan, it will bake very quickly and can turn out dry, instead of tender.


There are a few ways to get around not having the right size pan and still end up with a delicious bake. The easiest thing might be to simply double or halve the recipe. Knowing basic baking and cooking measurements along with some easy math can make quick work of converting the recipe. If you have too much batter, fill the Bundt between two-thirds and three-quarters full and then bake any extra batter in an oven-proof ramekin, muffin cup, or small baking dish for a mini snack-size cake to have on the side. These strategies plus more general tips for baking a Bundt cake will ensure a perfect result every time.

