What Time Taco Bell Starts And Stops Serving Breakfast

Late-risers, Taco Bell breakfast is here for you. The fast food breakfast game has seen a major level-up industry-wide in recent years, but for many foodies, a 10:30 a.m. cutoff is an ambitious stretch. On days when "fast-food breakfast" sounds like a winning ticket (i.e. sleepy Sundays, wicked hangover mornings, and snow days), "ambitious" is a word that doesn't fit into the equation. Wendy's stops serving breakfast at 10:30 a.m., which is also the time when Chick-fil-A transitions to the lunch menu.


Thankfully, at Taco Bell locations that serve breakfast, foodies can get their orders in before 11:00 a.m., a half hour later than most competitors. At T-Bell, breakfast begins at 7:00 a.m. However, it's worth noting that Taco Bell doesn't follow hard-set rules for opening, closing, and menu shifts company-wide. This four-hour breakfast window may vary by location and also on weekends. But, most locations that serve breakfast begin doing so at 7:00 a.m., regardless of whether or not they are 24-hour locations.

Missed the 11:00 cutoff? Rest assured, we have a few tips for recreating T-Bell's breakfast crunchwrap at home. Or, for DIY all-day breakfast, grab an extra burrito to warm up later on.


Taco Bell serves breakfast from 7-11 a.m. (that is, if your local T-Bell serves breakfast at all)

Foodies in need of a fill-up turn to Taco Bell's pillowy breakfast crunchwrap or hearty, cheesy toasted breakfast burrito. Or, a salsa-topped hashbrown and breakfast quesadilla loaded with eggs, cheese, and choice of protein is a solid middle-of-the-road option for curbing morning hunger — but only at stores that still serve it.


Last August, Taco Bell announced that a wave of locations would stop serving the breakfast menu altogether. However, according to the company (in a statement via USA Today), the affected locations were limited to a "small minority" of franchisee-owned stores. Effective in October, 500 of T-Bell's 8,500 company-owned stores still carry breakfast. (That doesn't exactly sound like a "small minority," but we digress). In other words, it's worth checking the website of your local T-Bell location to find out for sure whether it serves breakfast before hopping in the car.

At least non-breakfast-menu locations open their doors by 9:00 a.m., so fans can still "get Taco Bell for breakfast," even if that means just ordering a regular steak quesadilla and a cup of coffee. Happily, all locations still serve hot coffee whether or not they continue to serve the breakfast menu, and looking forward, Taco Bell has announced plans to further "ramp up" its coffee program, per the company statement.


