What To Know Before Taking Baby Food On A Plane
Oh no! You're on a flight with a crying baby. And even worse, it's yours. Unfazed by the hectic schedule of airline travel, this small creature is hungry, and they're probably expecting their regular food.
But hold up. Are you allowed to bring baby food on board? That 4-ounce jar may seem small, but it's bigger than the 3.4 ounces of liquids allowed by TSA's 3-1-1 rule — if this particular mashed food is considered a liquid. Never fear; the official word is that "reasonable amounts" of baby food are allowed in carry-on baggage. In fact, baby food (including puree pouches), breast milk, and formula are all considered medically necessary, and you don't even have to travel with the child to carry them. Just tell the TSA officer you have them and be prepared to pull them out for screening. Officials are allowed to open them to analyze vapors if they infer anything suspicious, but they won't touch the contents or put anything into the containers. And don't worry, the x-ray scans won't harm the food, so it's safe to serve afterward.
More ideas for the flying family
Don't be surprised if Junior isn't thrilled with the usual fare. Even to adults, food tastes different on airplanes because the dry air interferes with our ability to taste sweetness and saltiness. You can always plan ahead, bringing a variety of alternatives to try. If it's age-appropriate, you can also sate their hunger with airline snacks like pretzels and cookies or an extra piece of bread from the in-flight meal. A kind flight attendant will likely oblige if it helps keep your child happy.
As for the adults on board? You can help the hours pass quicker by bringing your own upscale snacks. Mom and Dad might save the DIY in-flight cocktails for a couples getaway, but feel free to pack a little charcuterie board (minus the knife) for yourselves. Per TSA rules, it's allowed. If you're still worried about flying with a hangry child, you can bring goody bags (and extra smiles) to share with your fellow passengers until touchdown.