Why You May Want To Avoid The Quesadillas At Chili's

How fulfilling is that first bite into a fluffy quesadilla? The cheesy concoction quickly hits the perfect sizzling point, and a fast cooking time is a big reason why it's such a popular food to grab on the go. Unfortunately, according to Chili's customers, the chain could be missing the mark far too frequently. Reddit users have taken to the platform to share shudder-worthy images of overcooked quesadillas, suggesting the dishes had got "backed up in the oven" or heated for closer to two minutes. The widespread cooking time is a couple of minutes on each side. But the truth is, with TurboChef equipment introduced in 2023, quesadillas are often best removed after just 60 seconds of heat exposure. 

The dish always requires a degree of adaptability; even a piping oven or a fired-up pan of spitting oil can sear the tortillas quicker than expected. However, Chili's far-from-perfect rendition of the Mexican classic isn't exactly shaking the low-quality reputation that's building amongst customers. Excuse us; we're slinking off to add quesadillas to the list of menu items you should avoid ordering at Chili's.

How does Chili's burn quesadillas?

Amongst the outrage, there is genuine confusion about the repeatedly ruined dishes. A perfected finish is one of the top tips for making the ultimate quesadilla — so a blackened or hardened result is an added insult to injury for hungry customers. "Who burns a quesadilla?" One angsty reviewer despaired (minus an expletive or two). Realistically, it boils down to Chili's now using TurboChef triple-deck ovens to prepare meals at most locations; they cook at 40% to 50% faster speeds than standard equipment. It's an efficient approach when there are no user errors. However, former Chili's employees explain that poor staffing scenarios, like backed-up customer queues and new members undergoing training, can result in burned quesadillas.

Occasionally, the fault can also lay in malfunctions, like the old CTX conveyor belt jamming and keeping food in longer than it should. Staff have been known to accidentally put quesadillas through on the wrong setting, too. Our advice? Tactically avoid a quesadilla order if the lines are long. It's better to wait until staff can easily pay attention to cooking times. Otherwise, just tackle a shredded chicken quesadilla recipe at home.
