How To Reheat Frozen Cabbage Rolls

Whether you stuff them with vegetables or stick to savory meat and rice, cabbage rolls of any kind are a hearty dish. Typically made in a wide casserole dish, it's common to whip up more cabbage rolls than you can finish in a single setting. If you've stowed them away in the freezer for later, learn the best ways to reheat the cabbage rolls so they're as good as new.

To make the rolls, cabbage leaves are slightly wilted in boiling water before being stuffed with minced meat, rice, and herbs. They're either simmered or baked in tomato sauce, which heats the rolls gently from the inside out and leaves them with a tender texture. Once the rolls are frozen, it's best to take the same care in reheating them so they don't end up soggy or with an interior that's still cold.

Start by thawing them in the fridge for a few hours before placing the rolls in a casserole dish. Cover them with some leftover tomato sauce and place the dish in the oven. To ensure that the cabbage rolls stay moist, cover the dish with some foil to keep the steam trapped. Heat them at 350 degrees Fahrenheit for at least 30 minutes; the low temperature and extended cooking time ensure the rolls are evenly heated throughout.

Do you have to thaw the cabbage rolls before reheating?

Thawing the cabbage rolls before reheating them helps them taste fresh, but it can be a lengthy process. Defrosting the rolls often happens overnight, so if you don't have that time, try following the golden rule for baking with frozen fruit. Just like a pie or crumble made with chilled berries, the meat, and rice-stuffed cabbage leaves must be baked for a longer time to make sure the rolls are properly heated.

Alternatively, you can simmer the cabbage rolls on the stovetop. Unlike a convection oven, the stovetop's heat is direct, so you'll have to flip the rolls as they cook. Still, the method produces delicious rolls, especially when cooked at a low to medium heat that warms the cabbage roll thoroughly and maintains its tenderness. All you need to do is pour the tomato sauce or juice onto the rolls and cover the pot or saucepan, checking in every few minutes to make sure the rolls haven't dried up.

If you only have one or two veggie-stuffed cabbage rolls that you want to eat, you can microwave them in a pinch. The method isn't the best way to reheat the rolls since they may turn out a little soggy, but it does the trick on a tight schedule. Cover the rolls in sauce and microwave it for two minutes at a time, adding a dash of water or tomato juice to ensure they don't dry up.
