Your Hot Chocolate Has Been Missing A Splash Of Coffee Creamer

Coffee creamers aren't just for coffee drinks. These sweet ingredients can be splashed into bowls of oatmeal and dropped into the blender as you make morning smoothies. Consider inviting your favorite coffee creamer into your next mug of hot chocolate, too. The sweet, creamy addition can help bring both texture and flavor into your chocolate beverages, and you can mix and match flavored coffee creamers to create unique hot chocolate recipes.

Even if you pick up packets of premade hot chocolate from the store, the quickest route to enhanced flavor can be had with a simple splash of coffee creamer. Combine Starbucks' cinnamon dolce latte or vanilla latte coffee creamers into your cup of mixed chocolate, or try adding one of Coffee Mate's seasonal flavors for a flavorful twist on this classic favorite. Peppermint mocha, Kit Kat, and caramel apple crisp invite a variety of sweet layers to traditional cups of hot chocolate and turn a beloved beverage into a liquid treat that could be understandably mistaken for dessert.

Customized sweetness for every palate

For hot chocolate lovers watching their sugar intake, sugar-free creamers like Coffee Mate's white chocolate peppermint can build a sweet, fresh flavor without carrying added sweeteners into your beverage. International Delight's zero-sugar creamers include a lineup of classic favorites like French vanilla and caramel macchiato and also include seasonal favorites like pumpkin pie spice and peppermint mocha for those wanting to try a different flavored hot chocolate each day of the week. Create a DIY hot chocolate station with booze, creamers, and toppings for your family and friends to flavor and finish their drinks as they choose.

However you decide to make your mugs of hot chocolate, you can garnish these sweet beauties with homemade honey whipped cream to create a drink that can be confidently slid across the counter at your favorite coffee shop. For a finishing touch, top your mugs with dustings of cinnamon, cocoa powder, or coconut flakes to complete the drink of your dreams. Even a pinch of flaky sea salt can help turn up the flavor dials of this drink. With so many possible flavor combinations, coffee-creamer hot chocolate is a recipe well worth repeating. 
