Simplify Espresso Martinis By Opting For An Instant Substitute

Espresso martini mania isn't going anywhere anytime soon. And why would it? This cocktail feels decadent and celebratory; it's deliciously roasty, frothy, and sweet; and while you may be able to order it without caffeine, a little java buzz is part of its appeal. There's just one little hitch, which is that the most important ingredient — espresso — can be a bit of a hassle to make at home. So, if you lack a fancy coffee machine, can you make an espresso martini with instant espresso?

Bartenders may advise you to avoid this, because authentic, freshly-brewed espresso makes for a next-level cocktail, but you can absolutely make a still-tasty version of this tipple with espresso powder. It just requires some slight modification, because the flavor profile of instant espresso is a bit different than that of a traditional brew. These powdered products are not simply espresso beans that have been ground up; they're super-concentrated coffee crystals that dissolve when stirred into water (or liquid in general). 

Espresso is already defined by its intense flavor, as it's made from coffee beans roasted to a darker degree. You can double that intensity for espresso powder, because of the way the flavor is concentrated into those crystals. Essentially, a little instant espresso goes a long way.

How to make a martini with instant espresso

A classic espresso martini calls for one shot of espresso, or 2 tablespoons. If you're using instant espresso, you can start by dissolving 1 or 2 teaspoons in a little bit of water — but what's nice about this part is you can adjust it according to your own preferences. If you like bolder, more bitter flavors, use more espresso powder; if you want more of a subtle effect in the final drink, use less. The same goes for actually adding your dissolved instant espresso to the martini. Start with 1 tablespoon, half the amount you'd use with traditional espresso, and dial in your desired flavor profile from there.

There are plenty of ways to boost the overall quality of espresso martinis made with powder. Most importantly, make sure to choose a well-made instant espresso — for example, Blue Bottle Coffee took years to perfect theirs, and other specialist brands might also be a good bet.

You can add more depth and complexity with extra ingredients, which will compensate for the lesser amount of liquid in the cocktail, since you might not be pouring in a full 2 tablespoons of coffee. Add subtly fruity sweetness with a splash of rum; creaminess with ½ an ounce of Baileys Irish Cream; or a lighter coffee note with one of our best-ranked bottled cold brews. You can even work in flavors like hazelnut or mocha, creating a delicious and flavorful martini in an instant.
