Emmy Schneider-Green

Photo of Emmy Schneider-Green
Sylva, NC
Florida State University
Plant-Based Nutrition, Food & Sustainability, Trending Grocery News
  • Emmy is certified in plant-based nutrition from Cornell, and has traveled and sampled the best vegan food in many countries, including Iceland, Italy, France, and all over the US, including a year she spent traveling in an RV.
  • As a longtime vegan, she believes in sharing how delicious and easy the lifestyle can be, without being pushy or judgy, and taking a firmly anti-diet approach.
  • She has extensively studied the intersection of our food systems, climate and sustainability.


With over a decade of experience as a writer and editor, Emmy has contributed to numerous freelance publications, managed social media for a variety of brands and organizations, and worked as an editor for the Florida Senate as her first job out of college. In most of her work, she has focused on food, sustainability, nutrition, or the overlap of the three whenever possible. She's currently the director of marketing for a food and beverage brand and has a column on plant-based dining in her town's local newspaper.


Emmy earned a bachelor's degree in editing, writing, and media, as well as a master's degree in media and communication studies from Florida State University, where she focused on creative nonfiction writing and food and environmental communication.
Tasting Table Editorial Policies

Tasting Table’s editorial coverage hails from a veteran group of writers and editors with expertise in their respective fields in the food and drink, hospitality, and agriculture industries. Outside experts are also consulted to help deliver factual, up-to-date information and original recipes.

We strive to publish knowledgeable, engaging articles to give readers the information they're looking for, whether that is the news of the day; cooking tips, tricks, and trends; or reviews and recommendations. In an effort to provide the most comprehensive, current, and accurate content, our team is constantly reviewing and updating articles as necessary. Click here for more information on our editorial process.

Stories By Emmy Schneider-Green