The Best Way To Store Canned Biscuits (Before And After Opening)

Everyone loves to enjoy a warm, fluffy Southern biscuit straight from the oven, but not all of us have the time to prepare them from scratch. That's where canned biscuit dough comes in. Convenient and stress-free, canned biscuits provide an invaluable shortcut that saves so much time in the kitchen. And due to the vacuum-sealing, canned dough stays fresh for much longer than homemade dough, so it's easy to keep on hand.

The best way to store canned biscuits before opening them is in the refrigerator. They typically have a very long shelf life in the tube, about one to two months, and they can even last past their use-by date. In fact, General Mills, the owner of Pillsbury, claims its canned doughs can be used up to seven days past their expiration dates.

However, any perishable product can deteriorate, so you should always check the dough before eating it. If there is any off-putting smell, discoloration, or signs of mold, teeter on the safe side and toss it. The same goes for a dough that appears excessively sticky or fails to rise, which are also indications that it has expired.

You can store canned biscuits in the fridge or freezer

Despite their convenience, you can make mistakes when using canned biscuits. One is cooking all the biscuits at once when you know they won't be eaten right away. A standard tube of pre-made biscuit dough typically holds enough to make about eight biscuits. If you only need one or two, you should store the rest of the dough until you're ready to use it.

After opening, canned biscuit dough can be stored in the fridge for one to two days or in the freezer for up to three months. While some brands advise against freezing biscuit dough inside the tube, Tasting Table found no issue with freezing and thawing canned biscuits after removing them from the container.

The best way to do this is by laying the unused biscuits on a sheet tray and placing them in a freezer until they're hardened. Then, transfer the biscuits into freezer bags and place them back inside. You can thaw them overnight in the fridge before cooking or bake them straight from frozen. Either way, you'll have another tray of delicious biscuits in no time — with no waste or hardship.
