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The Comforting Apple Dessert You Should Bake In The Air Fryer

The aroma of buttery, cinnamon-coated apples wafting from the oven is one of the many joys of autumn. Whether you're partial to apple pie, crumble, cobbler, or all of the above, baking a sweet apple-based dessert is guaranteed to get you in the mood for fall. Apple crumble (aka apple crisp) is, by far, the simplest dessert of the three: it doesn't require any unusual ingredients like buttermilk, and there's no need to make a pie crust. Our classic apple crisp recipe can be thrown together in just 40 minutes, but if you're in a bind and need to come up with an impressive treat that doesn't take as much time to make, try making apple crumble in the air fryer for results that are sure to impress.

There are a plethora of possibilities when it comes to your air fryer — and these possibilities are not just limited to savory dishes. There are myriad desserts you may not have known you could make in your air fryer just waiting to be discovered, and apple crumble is one of them. Making air fryer apple crumble isn't all that different from making it in the oven: The recipe itself remains relatively the same, but your measurements will change. We recommend either halving or quartering it, depending on how many individual servings you want to make.

The best method for air fryer apple crumble

To alter our classic apple crumble recipe into an air fryer apple crisp, preheat your air fryer to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Grease an oven-safe dish, like a ramekin, with butter, and then begin assembling the ingredients. Remember to be prudent about your measurement changes before you start baking.

Assemble the crumb topping first. Our recipe calls for butter, cinnamon, flour, brown sugar, salt, rolled oats, and walnuts, which are optional. If you use our spiced baked apple crumb recipe, you'll add apple pie spice and lemon juice for a little extra flavor. You can use your hands to mix everything together here as it allows the mixture to remain crumbly, which gives it that signature texture once it's all been baked. Once your crumb topping is done, prepare your apples by mixing sliced apples with butter, sugar, and cinnamon.

After both parts of the crumble have been prepared, layer them on top of one another into the ramekin, ending with the crumb topping. Cover the whole ramekin in aluminum foil, and place it into the preheated air fryer for about 15-20 minutes, or until the apples are tender. Once they are, you can remove the foil and keep it in the oven for another 2 minutes or so. Watch it closely; you want the crumb topping to be golden brown, but be sure not to let it burn. This is a sign of overbaking, and not only will it taste burnt, but the apples inside might get mushy, leaving you with an unappetizing mess. If all goes well, though, you'll have a single serving of apple crumble to satisfy that sweet tooth, or an effortless and delicious dish to impress all your guests.
