The Summer Dunkin' Drink With The Highest Amount Of Calories

When you're a kid, nothing embodies the taste of summer quite like an ooey, gooey bite of a s'more. When you're an adult, however, the season may be defined by the refreshing zing of an iced coffee. What happens when you combine the two? Well, you'd get an equal parts decadent and nostalgic treat that's something like the Dunkin' Bonfire S'mores Frozen Coffee.

The slushy, caffeinated beverage was recently debuted as one of the new additions to Dunkin's summer lineup, and not only is it set to satisfy your cravings for childhood nostalgia, but it's also sure to satisfy your sweet tooth (and, possibly, any midday hunger pangs). A large order of the beverage comes packed with 155 grams of sugar, as well as a total of 1,070 calories, making it the most calorie-dense drink of all of Dunkin's new seasonal releases. Indeed, there's only two other beverages on Dunkin's menu that beats its calorie count: the large Caramel Creme Frozen Coffee and the large Triple Mocha Frozen Coffee.

While it was announced alongside other yummy, campfire-themed items like a S'mores Cold Brew and, of course, S'mores Donut, the Bonfire S'mores Frozen Coffee certainly stands out as the menu's main attraction. The frozen drink nails the taste of the classic summertime snack thanks to its mix of chocolate, vanilla, cream, and graham cracker flavors, with a blended coffee base that brings it all together. It's no wonder folks are rushing to get their straws in one before it leaves Dunkin' locations at the end of August.

What's in Dunkin's Bonfire S'mores Frozen Coffee (and how to customize it)

There are plenty of ways you can upgrade your s'mores this summer, but none quite compare to Dunkin's slurpable version of the treat. If you're wondering what, exactly, makes the sip so sugary (and taste so similar to an actual s'more), here's the rundown. Per the Dunkin' app, a large size of the Bonfire S'mores Frozen Coffee comes with coffee syrup, cream, four pumps of vanilla flavoring, four pumps of the new s'mores flavoring, and a drizzle of mocha inside the cup. It's all topped with a mountain of whipped cream, yet another mocha drizzle, and a smattering of graham crumbles for good measure.

You can see the drink's preparation in action courtesy of TikToker and Dunkin' employee @fazatdunkin, whose video making the frozen coffee has racked up over 1000 likes and dozens of comments from Dunkin' fans. A number of commenters actually recommend adding a shot of espresso to the beverage in order to cut down the sweetness and provide it with some extra pick-me-up power.

To tweak it further, there's always the option of replacing the cream component with plant-based milk, or experimenting with different flavored syrups. Instead of the full serving of vanilla, you can ask for two pumps of toasted almond or hazelnut to give it a warm, nutty touch, or add in some raspberry for a fruity twist. Really want to kick things up a notch? Swap the whipped cream topping with the new marshmallow cold foam for the sweetest s'more experience yet.
