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The Easiest Way To Make Sure Your Oysters Are As Fresh As Possible

They're a picky eater's worst nightmare, but for oyster fanatics, they're a true ocean delicacy. The simple, straight-from-the-shell food was once seen as a peasant meal, but today, a plate of freshly-shucked oysters over a bed of ice tends to scream luxury. Nevertheless, their briny, creamy flavor and occasional grittiness always shines through, bringing a sort of humbleness to the table. If you're hoping to add raw oysters to your next meal, there are a few key ways to ensure that they're ultra-fresh, and Roberta Muir (@robertamuir on Instagram) of Be Inspired Food-Wine-Travel gave us her best tips for doing so.


"The best oysters are freshly shucked and never washed," Muir said. "So, [the] number one tip is [to] learn to shuck oysters and buy them closed to shuck them yourself immediately before eating them." Once you learn how to shuck an oyster, you'll realize that it's really not that difficult. All you need is a good, strong oyster shucking knife and a pair of cut resistant gloves for additional safety — and thankfully, there are many kits out there, like this one by Wendom on Amazon. If you're planning to serve raw oysters to guests, it's best to practice shucking beforehand, since it's not a skill that's easy to master in minutes. It requires patience, but with time, anyone can become an oyster-shucking master.


If your oysters must be pre-shucked, follow these tips

Roberta Muir understands that sometimes it's just easier and more convenient to get your raw oysters pre-shucked. However, if you do this, you want to make sure that you keep your oysters fresh and avoid these common mistakes everyone makes with oysters. "If you must buy them already shucked, have them opened in front of you and not washed," Muir said. "This means you may occasionally get a little bit of grit in the oyster, but that's a small price to pay for all the delicious oyster 'liquor' you'll taste along with the briny, creamy, sweet flavor of a freshly shucked oyster." Washing your oysters can lead to a slight diluting of their natural flavor, and if you're getting them pre-shucked, they'll likely be sitting out for a little bit, which also has a slight effect on how they will taste. 


Regardless, pre-shucked oysters still have a great flavor, so you aren't completely missing out if you go this route. "If [you're] having the fish market shuck them for you," Muir said, "buy them on the day you plan to eat them, ideally within a few hours of serving." Technically, shucked oysters can last for up to five days in the fridge, but this is a food you really want to eat fresh, so if you can avoid letting them sit for a while, you should do so. And when you finally get around to slurping up those gems from the sea, be sure to serve them with some thoughtful toppings, whether it be a homemade shallot mignonette or a simple slice of lemon. 

