The Largest Brownie In The World Included Hundreds Of Boxed Mixes

Boxed brownie mixes have been a handy tool for years. Tons of homemakers have taken it upon themselves to find ways to improve the already convenient dessert, like an easy oil swap to improve texture, tempering the sweetness with a pinch of salt, and using add-ins that will elevate the flavor. When it comes to boxed brownie mixes, there truly has been no shortage of ingenuity.

However, creativity extends far beyond the reach of the kitchen. In fact, it extends beyond just a singular baker. In Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, an entire team came together to create the world's largest brownie. On September 23, 2022, they succeeded after combining a whopping total of 210 packs of Betty Crocker Brownie mix.

While the brand might be synonymous with American sweets, the truth is that the company has expanded all the way through Europe, Asia, the Middle East, and beyond. In fact, it was actually the Betty Crocker MENA team, short for Middle East and North Africa, that was behind the enormous sweet. The massive brownie not only garnered a Guinness World Record but also further cemented Betty Crocker in the annals of history.

How the most massive brownie in the world was baked

Despite the record-breaking brownie's gigantic size, the list of ingredients required to achieve this feat is shockingly short. While the bulk of it was made from Betty Crocker brownie mix, the other ingredients include 504 eggs, 23.1 liters of oil, and 9.45 liters of water.

Even though the batter might have been relatively simple, the baking process was quite an undertaking. The brownie had to be baked in an industrial oven for a whopping three hours. Considering the fact that the final size of the baked good was two meters wide, two meters long, and three centimeters high, the industrial oven must have been impressive to behold.

However, what ultimately cemented the brownie as record-breaking was specifically its weight. The crown for the biggest brownie based on dimensional length belongs to a different giant brownie in Kannur, Kerala, India. The Jeddah, Saudi Arabia brownie still holds the crown for the largest brownie by weight to this very day, with a total weight of 335.1 pounds.
