Oscars Drinking Game 2018

You'll be seeing stars of a different kind

Whether you've committed to a marathon of all the Best Picture nominees or can't even name a single film up for a statue, chances are your Sunday night is going to be spent watching this year's Oscars. And though we can't promise another La La Land-Moonlight mix-up will happen again, we've got another reason for you to look forward to the three-hour show. Grab your flute of (cheap) Champagne, keep these rules handy and get ready to sip, swig and chug your way through the 2018 Academy Awards.

Take a Sip:

① Every time someone thanks either the Academy, their mother or their family.

 Each time a winner references any of their fellow nominees.

 Every time you hear the word Trump or a reference to "the current administration."

 For every minute the ceremony runs over time.

Take a Swig:

 If somebody trips when walking up to receive their award. 

 When someone gets played off the stage during their acceptance speech.

 Every time the camera pans to Meryl Streep . . .

 . . . Or pans to a loser.

 If a presenter butchers another person's name. (We're looking at you, John Travolta.)

Finish Your Drink:

When someone wins their first Oscar. 

Finish the Bottle:

If someone announces the wrong winner, or . . .

. . . if La La Land wins Best Picture, even if it's temporarily. 
