'PornBurger,' The Book, Is Here For Your Viewing Pleasure

Burger fanatics and food porn fiends are probably already familiar with the tantalizing blog PornBurger, where "burger perverts" are welcome. For those of you who haven't had a chance to feast your eyes on this blog's drool-inducing photos, PornBurger, the book, came out this week, for your viewing pleasure.

It all started in 2014, when photographer and producer-turned-chef and food stylist Mathew Ramsey initiated what he calls a "personal project." Ramsey started posting one fantastical burger photo a week on his blog, alongside tongue-and-cheek names like Bill U Murray Me? and Willem Defonut, which comes on a doughnut bun.

Ramsey's modern-day passion for burgers is clear, but what readers might not know is that he's had a serious thing for burgers since he was a little kid.

"My grandma introduced me to the Big Mac when I was five, when my parents were out of town," he says, "and I ate the whole thing, as a five-year-old." The rest, as they say, is history.

Ramsey's blog took off pretty immediately, and in no time, a glorious cookbook was in the works. Unlike the blog, the book actually has recipes and tips for making better burgers-like not packing the meat too tightly or not being afraid to grind your own blend, which you'll be itching to try after gazing longingly at these burgers. Don't believe us? Take a look at the photos below and just try to resist. They're arguably NSFW.

Bill U Murray Me?

Burnt Creamsicle


Gnocchi Tots

I Woke Up Like This

The Chronic-kah

The Inglourious Basquered

The James Francophile