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The 3-Cheese Blend You Need For Perfect Broccoli Casserole

In the world of broccoli casseroles, there's nothing like the classic version. You know the one. It's some cozy family recipe that takes a can of creamy soup and bolsters a sauce around three non-negotiable ingredients: broccoli, a crunchy topping, and cheese (lots of it). Broccoli (because we need to eat our vegetables) loves a crunchy topping. It's usually Ritz crackers, but anything goes, including panko and regular bread crumbs or potato chips. But this really isn't about the broccoli or the crunch — it's about the cheese. Even broccoli (and the crunch) know this. 

Without cheese, broccoli casserole is just another hot vegetable dish no one cares to eat three bowls of in one sitting. It doesn't matter if you're whipping it up from scratch or keeping things simple, the perfect version of this old-school favorite calls for three types of cheese: one that's classic, one that melts exceptionally well, and one that's low in moisture. Cheddar, queen of all casseroles because it blends well and is easy to love, is a given. 

Orange cheddar seems to always go with broccoli, and that's because milder cheddars are creamier and make great sauce candidates. The sharper versions are tangier, thanks to the aging process that affects the taste of all sharp cheddars. Next, choose a cheese that's known for melting like mozzarella or super-stretchy Oaxaca. Finally, any dry, hard cheese like parmesan or Grana Padano is the key to getting a golden, crispy crust. Just keep proportions in mind, and that's easy if you know exactly when and where to sprinkle all that cheese.

Why pre-grated cheese is a no-no in any casserole

Easy is what we're going for here, and understanding this casserole's proportions will help guide your inspiration. Most broccoli casserole recipes basically work like this: 1 can of creamy soup, 2 eggs, 1 cup of mayonnaise, a few cups of buttery, crunchy crumbs, and about 2 pounds of broccoli florets. For the cheese, 8 ounces works, but we say go for 12 to 16 ounces and zero regrets. Don't be scared to shred that cheese on your own, either. Cheese that's already been shredded and packaged contains cellulose to keep it from clumping, and it can taste powdery or grainy. We like this easy Nezuiban cheese grater with a crank that's under $10 on Amazon. You can even grate soft cheese with it, like mozzarella.

The secret is to mix ½ cup of shredded cheese with your buttery crumb topping. Be sure to use the drier cheese, like parmesan, and toss some of the other cheeses in there, too. This tactic keeps every bite perfectly cheesy, from the top to the middle to the bottom. The other trick is to put your broccoli in first, sprinkle the cheese, and then pour the sauce mixture over it. It's a good way to distribute any filling ingredients evenly, and this method works for any casserole, especially a deep-dish quiche. It also helps to provide an even surface for that yummy topping, so every bite stays consistently crisp and cheesy.
