Ghost Pepper Salt Turns The Ultra-Spicy Pepper Into A Tolerable Seasoning

Maybe you've watched one too many episodes of "Hot Ones" and started to ponder the existential question: Could I take on a ghost pepper? Probably not. No offense. 

One of the hottest known chilis, the ghost pepper can bring on strong burning sensations, not to mention potential digestive issues. The good news? You can experiment with a milder version through a shake of ghost pepper salt. The spice blend mixes a quantity of salt with a smaller measurement of the fiery pepper — leading to a product that's still undeniably hot, but slightly more bearable.

Ghost pepper salt can be crafted through several methods. For instance, Colorado-based company Savory Spice pairs the pepper with kosher salt through a liquid chemical binding process, adding an unsweetened chocolate extract to meld the ingredients together. Companies who craft the product leave buyers with one general warning: Be careful, because this thing still packs considerable heat.

How to use ghost pepper salt

Substitute ghost pepper salt for gochugaru pepper flakes the next time you whip up a spicy Korean cucumber salad. Scatter ghost pepper salt onto grilled steak or stir it into a curry. If you're still working to build up your spice tolerance, try toning down the ghost pepper salt by adding more plain salt into the mix.

There are some safety precautions to keep in mind when using any powerful chili. If you're rubbing a particularly strong chili salt onto your steak or sprinkling it over popcorn, you'll want to avoid touching your face or eyes. Yes, we know it's common sense, but tell us you've never accidentally suffered some discomfort after slicing one too many chilis

And who said you had to stick to savory options? Add some ghost pepper salt to mango, jicama, or watermelon slices, paying homage to Tajín — a mild chili-salt-lime blend often sprinkled on fresh fruit throughout Mexico. A dash of ghost pepper salt can bring a scoop of vanilla ice cream to life, spruce up a smear of strawberry jam, and round out the sweetness in a mug of hot chocolate. Once you've determined how comfortable you are using ghost pepper salt, the potential uses know no bounds.
