When Did Nespresso First Launch Its Line Of Chocolates?

Though Nespresso catapulted into the coffee industry with flavored coffee pods, the company unveiled its N-stamped chocolate squares in 1992 to pacify coffee lovers' sweeter inclinations. While some coffee drinkers place the squares in the bottom of a cup before brewing coffee to add sweetness to their coffee, others simply enjoy the treat — and we can't blame them. Coffee and chocolate are a match made in culinary heaven, and the tasting notes of each play perfectly together.

Éric Favre is primarily responsible for the creation of the coffee pods. After having joined Nestlé, Favre set out to make espresso that could stand up next to the cups he tasted in Italy. He discovered that air forced through a capsule could create the frothy result he was after, but it took him a decade to get the green light to start the enterprise. Though Nespresso originally targeted businesses in the hospitality and restaurant industries as its customer base, it wasn't long before machines were made for homes and small offices. The introduction of chocolate was a natural progression.

Nespresso's chocolate and coffee pairings and other flavor enhancers

The pairing of coffee and chocolate can bring out some of the more subtle and unique flavors found in both coffee and cocoa beans, so Nespresso was on to something. The brand's chocolates are packaged in individually wrapped portioned sizes, a feature that is particularly helpful during moments when sweet cravings run rampant. Made in Switzerland, the chocolates have been marketed as an accessory for its coffee creations, and Nespresso offers recommendations to pair Grands Cruis with Les Petits Carres milk chocolate squares or dark chocolate squares with caramelized bits of cocoa.

In addition to milk and dark chocolates and milk chocolate made with salted caramel, Nespresso also offers a lineup of orange- and almond-flavored biscuits, miniature French cakes called Financiers in both chocolate and pistachio options, twice-baked Cantuccini biscuits (similar to a biscotti recipe), sugar, creamer, and syrups to flavor coffees made at home. With so many options, it is no wonder devout Nespresso customers keep the orders coming.