Yes, You Can (And Should) Make Smash Burgers On The Grill. Here's How

Few foods are more iconic than a burger. With the simple premise of a ground meat patty between two buns, so many interpretations are possible. As a result, there is a dizzying array of burger types around the world, employing everything from reindeer meat for the filling, to rice in lieu of bread.

Yet among these options, many hold a special place for smash burgers, claiming that a smashed patty is better than a regular burger. Their appeal is easy to understand; flattened thin, there's so much room for crispiness, all the while trapping juices inside. Plus, they are prepared well-done on a hot griddle, so there's no need to stress about a bit of pink.

Perhaps you want to try out the style, but still want to retain the magic of cooking outdoors. Well no fear — here's how to make a smash burger on the grill. Simply place a cast iron griddle — or simply a large cast iron skillet — on a grill heated to high heat. Then you can form those thin patties right over the grate, without the chance that any meat will fall through. The result is delicious, and will prohibit smoke from accumulating indoors: win-win.

Put a cast-iron skillet on the grill for smash burgers

Such a nifty move is easy to do, but you do want to watch out for a few details. Foremost, the cast-iron is imperative, since you'll want to get your grill hot: Up to 500 or 600 degrees Fahrenheit for the best flavor. This class of pans withstands the heat easily; good ones can go up all the way to 1500 degrees Fahrenheit. And don't touch the handle. Also, don't attempt to use a nonstick pan for the job — its upper threshold is right around the grill temperature. 

While the hot temperature inspires caution, the grill's great heat output is precisely what makes it so good for a smash burger. The temperature enables delicious quick caramelization, making the patty exterior all the more crisp and tasty, while keeping the interiors juicy. The trick is to only smash it down once; any more and you'll squeeze out the good juices. 

While you're grilling, you can also easily heat up the bun alongside, easing preparation. And if you want all the contents to meld together — or simply to keep the assembled burgers hot — you can wrap them in foil, and store on a higher rack on the grill. So, especially if you're cooking for a crowd, get to grips with our easy smash burger recipe, and head outdoors to craft this delicious dish.