The Wrapping Materials You Should Avoid To Prevent Soggy Sandwiches

A soggy sandwich is the worst. Whether it's a panini during a picnic or a packed lunch at the office, an abundance of moisture is the last thing you want to be met with as you unwrap a sandwich — especially if you've been daydreaming about the moment that you can finally dig into that sprout and avocado sammie you so lovingly crafted. Although there are a whole bunch of reasons why the sandwich may have gone soggy — from questionable filling to improper assembly — the blame might actually fall on the wrong wrapping materials.

Aside from throwing off the texture, an overly wet sandwich can make eating a much messier feat, taking an obvious toll on your dining experience. As a result, it's best to avoid enveloping sandwiches in materials that trap moisture and restrict air flow, such as plastic wrap or aluminum foil. Despite the fact that these materials act as a barrier against the outside world, the issue is that they can just as effectively lock in moisture when used to cover a sandwich laden with wet ingredients like juicy tomatoes and fresh lettuce. Instead, the solution is to switch up the wrapping material for something that protects sandwiches while letting them breathe. The big question is, which material reigns supreme?

Parchment or wax paper are better options

Working with more porous materials, such as parchment paper or even wetness-wicking wax paper, prove to be the best options when wrapping a sandwich. Not only will they keep buns and bread from getting soggy, but they'll also ensure that other sandwich ingredients stay fresh. Plus, these materials will even give you a straight-from-the-deli aesthetic. However, if single-use materials aren't quite your vibe, there's one more option: beeswax wrap. Just as breathable as parchment or wax paper, the beauty of beeswax wrapping is that it can be reused again and again.

Regardless of what you choose, the technique you employ when wrapping can also make or break the outcome of your sandwich. Treat the process as though you're wrapping a delicate gift. Wrap the sandwich snugly so that toppings don't have the chance to move around, and make sure to fold in sealed edges to keep moisture at bay. For maximum security (and minimal mess), some even swear by a double-wrap, where a wrapped sandwich is cut in half through the parchment, before being wrapped again. 

Lastly, it is still worth taking preventative measures when crafting your sandwich. Tricks like patting ingredients dry, using sturdier bread, or refraining from assembling while hot can all go the extra mile to help ensure your wrapped sandwich remains strictly scrumptious — and anything but soggy.