If You're Not Frying Your Eggs With Chickpeas, You're Doing It Wrong

Eggs are an extremely versatile breakfast ingredient — they can be poached, baked, folded into an omelet, and scrambled. Yet, sometimes they just need something more. Perhaps more protein, or an earthier, nuttier taste. Frying them up with chickpeas gives them everything they need; it'll make you wonder why you never thought of it before.

Like eggs, chickpeas have a milder flavor, making it the perfect palate to play around with herbs and spices. Together, the crispy breakfast can be almost anything you need it to be. A crunchy, savory addition to veggie burgers? Check. The perfect high-protein component to your grain bowl? Also, check.

Frying eggs with chickpeas is simple. Start out with our crispy chickpeas recipe. Once they start to crisp up in the pan, make egg-sized pockets in the chickpeas and crack an egg in there. When the eggs have cooked to your liking, remove them from the pan, along with any lingering chickpeas.

Try these fried egg and chickpea recipes

The crispy recipe is the ideal topping for all your baked autumnal salads. Massage kale with garlic-infused olive oil and toss it with bits of baked Brussels sprouts, sauteed butternut squash, and finely chopped red onions. Break up the fried egg and chickpeas and add it on top, along with goat cheese. Finish off with a dollop of tahini goddess dip as a zesty dressing.

For a one-pan meal, fry up the eggs and chickpeas with diced tomatoes, onions, bell peppers, and spinach. Thanks to their high protein and fiber content, chickpeas make this simple meal extremely filling. Add cumin, coriander, and harissa for a smoky, spicy flair.

Transform the egg and chickpeas into an on-the-go breakfast by stuffing them into open pita bread. Add spiced ground turkey, slices of salted tomatoes, chopped cucumber, and pickled onions for an earthy, savory breakfast. A drizzle of lemon tahini dressing completes this filling breakfast.