Joe Virgillito

Photo of Joe Virgillito
New Jersey
Quinnipiac University
Italian-American Cuisine, Vegetable Gardening, Pasta Making
  • Joe is currently cooking his way through his grandmother's collection of generations-old Italian recipes.
  • He is also an avid tomato gardener, and has cultivated rare varieties from across the world.
  • Before writing for Tasting Table, Joe hosted and produced The Daily Beat, a current events-based podcast on which he interviewed authors, scientists, and fellow journalists, including Shea Serrano, economist Jeffrey Sachs, and more.


Joe was born and raised in New Jersey and grew up exploring and eating his way through the culinary delights of New York City before eventually moving to Brooklyn. He has worked as a writer, editor, and podcast host, producing more than 1,000 daily and weekly podcasts on all manner of subjects including politics, science, sports, and, pop culture. His passion for food and cooking started as a kid grilling in his parent's backyard, occasionally without permission. He's an enthusiastic home cook who's constantly testing out new recipes, techniques, and whatever ingredients are fresh from his garden.


Joe received a Bachelor of Arts in Journalism from Quinnipiac University.
Tasting Table Editorial Policies

Tasting Table’s editorial coverage hails from a veteran group of writers and editors with expertise in their respective fields in the food and drink, hospitality, and agriculture industries. Outside experts are also consulted to help deliver factual, up-to-date information and original recipes.

We strive to publish knowledgeable, engaging articles to give readers the information they're looking for, whether that is the news of the day; cooking tips, tricks, and trends; or reviews and recommendations. In an effort to provide the most comprehensive, current, and accurate content, our team is constantly reviewing and updating articles as necessary. Click here for more information on our editorial process.

Stories By Joe Virgillito