Survey Reveals Almost 40% Of People Prefer This Type Of Snack When Studying

Ah, snacks: Where would we be without you? Whether we're watching a movie at home, relaxing on the beach, sitting around in an airport, or passing the time in any number of other ways, snacks are always there to take the edge off our hunger and provide a pop of flavor. Whether your style of snack is healthy and nutritious, chock full of peanut butter, nut-free, or gluten-free, we think we can all agree: Snacks are just as essential as full-on meals.


And while many of us might be far removed from our college days, there's one activity that seems to demand snacking, and that's studying. Whether you're still in university, or in a graduate or any other type of program, there's no doubt that when you hit the books, you also grab a snack. You know, for the brain power. Here at Tasting Table, we were curious about which type of snacks our readers prefer to munch on while cramming, so that's exactly what we asked. And a majority chose one beloved snack category as their top choice.

Salty snacks grabbed first place in the poll

When you think of snacks, what comes to mind? More than likely, it's something crunchy and salty, such as popcorn, chips, or pretzels. Salty snacks are a classic choice for studying munchers, so it perhaps comes as no surprise that it's the category that 245 poll respondents, or nearly 40%, named as their favorite. We can concur, but just don't reach for salt if you're textbook-scanning during a long layover — it will dehydrate you before your flight.


Do you enjoy crunching on some peanuts, cashews, or almonds while studying? If so, you'd agree with 134 respondents, or nearly 22%, who reach for this classic category when heading to the library. About 15% of respondents grab a chocolate snack for studying, the same percentage of respondents prefer fruit, and about 8% will pack some veggies and dip — for whom we might humbly suggest our whipped feta dip, which is sure to supercharge those brain cells.

