World Central Kitchen Was Hit By Another Missile In Ukraine

The work of humanitarian chef José Andrés and his non-profit World Central Kitchen were recently featured in the Ron Howard-directed documentary "We Feed People" (via Deadline). The film explores Andrés' mission to help feed people enduring humanitarian crises. One of the conflicts that World Central Kitchen has become most involved in has been the war in Ukraine. 


This is the first time the nonprofit has worked in a war zone, but it has created a massive impact in the region (via CBS News). They quickly established operations in Poland to help the fleeing refugees and in Ukraine to feed those who have stayed behind. They have served over 25 million meals and 11 million pounds of food across the country since May 16 (via World Central Kitchen). World Central Kitchen reports they have operations in more than 230 cities in Ukraine and more than 4,300 team members.

World Central Kitchen has found its operations threatened by Russian artillery as the war continues. One of the World Central Kitchen locations was allegedly hit by a Russian airstrike in April that injured four workers. They seem to have been targeted in a second strike on train cars carrying food in Eastern Ukraine.


34 palettes of food lost in missile strike

Chef José Andrés posted on Instagram and Twitter that a Russian Missile bombed food supplies on a train in Eastern Ukraine on Wednesday morning. According to the posts, no injuries or fatalities occurred due to the missile strike. Another World Central Kitchen employee took to Twitter to share that 34 palettes worth of food were destroyed in the attack. 


"This won't stop us — our amazing Ukrainian WCK teams will keep feeding the people!" Andrés wrote in his Instagram caption. Multiple cars carrying food were being transported through Eastern Ukraine when the missile hit. He reports that food in only one of the train cars was lost due to the air strike and that they plan to return tomorrow to retrieve the rest. The Hill notes that these supplies are greatly needed within Ukraine. In addition, they report that civilians are in dire need of food.

