Oprah May Launch A New Food Line Called Oprah's Kitchen

Is there anything Oprah can't do? According to the Daily News, Oprah Winfrey may be launching a new food line called Oprah's Kitchen.

Products could include everything from fresh produce and dairy to specialty items like energy drinks and even flowers. Other items—including bacon, in case you were worried—are also being considered. Basically everything is on the table, because when you're Oprah, the sky's the limit.

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She filed paperwork for trademarks in May, and word is already starting to spread. She is currently an investor in and spokesperson for Weight Watchers, as well as a spokesperson for Starbucks' Teavana. But this new line would be all her own.

As Grub Street points out, there's been talk of Oprah starting her own line of organic food for a while, but the recent activity leads us to believe it may finally come to fruition. You get a tomato, and you get a tomato!