The Best Bagel Sandwiches On Instagram

Bagel sandwiches were not that cool before Instagram. Sure, lox-and-cream cheese bagels are classic, and bacon, egg and cheeses work great on bagels, too (even if they truly belong on rolls). But a few years ago, the category didn't have brunch-goers waking up early to stand in line for a photograph-worthy sandwich. Today, the sight of a bagel piled high with colorful layers of avocado, eggs and vegetables is as common as the pretty latte shot.

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Cross sections are cool, people love breakfast and they also love sandwiches. It's a perfect storm that has now resulted in every other image in your feed, even if you don't follow places like Black Seed Bagels, whose collection is epic. Tasting Table's own Instagram account is no stranger.

It's not the first food Instagram has made famous (we're looking at you, avocado toast and breakfast bowls), and it won't be the last. But in case you haven't had enough of them, here are 13 winning bagel sandwiches on Instagram.















Hungry yet?

Find Black Seed Bagels here, or in our DINE app.