How Long Homemade Pickled Cauliflower Stays Fresh In The Fridge

Cauliflower is a hearty, delicious, and versatile vegetable that only gets better when you transform it into pickled cauliflower. All you need to do is put your extra florets through the process of quick pickling to get a long-lasting, tangy result that goes just as well in a crunchy Indonesian salad as it does in tacos. If this is your first time pickling vegetables, though, you may be wondering about the exact shelf life of this ingredient. Read on to learn how long you can expect pickled cauliflower to last and how best to store it for maximum freshness.

The quick pickling process does a lot to extend the longevity of vegetables, however, it does not make them shelf-stable the way traditional pickling and canning do. As such, it's important to store your quick pickled produce in the refrigerator to prevent bacterial growth. For best preservation, you should additionally keep pickled cauliflower in a sealed airtight container, where it will last for up to two months.

How to tell if pickled cauliflower has gone bad

Even with proper storage methods, pickled cauliflower will eventually expire. This means that you should be keeping a sharp eye out for signs of spoilage in order to prevent yourself from consuming harmful pathogens that could make you sick. You can tell if cauliflower has gone bad by examining it with your senses of sight and smell. If the pickles show visible mold growth, have a strong, unpleasant odor, or if the brine has become unexpectedly bubbly, you should assume that they are no longer safe to eat and should discard them.

One change that may throw you, yet is not actually a sign of spoilage, is a change in color if the cauliflower is pickled using certain kinds of vinegar. If your pickling liquid has a notable hue, such as amber from apple cider vinegar, then the light colored florets of the cauliflower will likely take on a tint as they absorb the liquid. In these cases, the cauliflower is still safe to eat as long as it shows no other signs of expiration. You can prevent your pickled cauliflower from turning brown by simply opting for white vinegar when preparing your quick pickle.