For More Robust Garlic Soup, Be Sure To Roast The Main Ingredient

Garlic is a highly esteemed aromatic, bringing a pungent, buttery taste to any dish. Some people won't cook without it, so when garlic is the center of a soup, what's not to love? Garlic soup is creamy and comforting already, but to make it more robust, roast the main ingredient before cooking.

There's something about roasting an ingredient that elevates it beyond comparison. For mushrooms, the fungi's woodsy, savory flavors become more intense. With tomatoes, roasting them deepens their umami taste. Roasting garlic, on the other hand, gives it a delicious, caramel-like nuance. In her cheesy roasted garlic soup with sourdough crumble, recipe developer Tanika Douglas relies on roasting the garlic to give the soup a more full-bodied flavor. "Roasting the garlic brings out the complex sweet notes, whilst pairing perfectly against its classic savory pungency," she explains.

Although it's possible to make garlic soup without any roasting involved, caramelizing the allium gives the soup layers of flavor beyond garlic's usual piquant taste. While the soup contains onions, potatoes, and cheddar, it's the nutty sweetness of the roasted garlic that stands out the most. Heating it in the oven or air fryer makes a monumental difference, and it's very simple to do. Wrap whole cloves in aluminum foil, and add a bit of olive oil. After 30 minutes of roasting, the cloves should be soft enough to squeeze out the buttery garlic within.

Roasted garlic elevates other types of dishes

Of course, roasted garlic isn't just a fixture in its titular soup; it's known to bring wonderful flavor to practically any savory recipe around. If you're on the hunt for another creamy, cozy soup, roasted garlic is a stellar accompaniment in anĀ easy roasted butternut squash soup. Roast a head of garlic along with the squash and blend them together for a sweet soup with rich, pungent flavor.

Aside from soups, roasted garlic can improve an already-delicious pasta recipe. Creamy pasta is a cozy weeknight staple, but if you want to switch it up a little, add some roasted garlic to the sauce. Place it in the skillet before adding the cream and stir it carefully to get rid of the lumps. Rather than chewing pieces of minced garlic, the sweet aromatic will coat each piece of pasta smoothly.

As great as it is in entrees, roasted garlic can be used for appetizers, too. Roast some garlic before spreading a little bit on slices of toasted bread. The aromatic makes a sweet, nutty base for classic bruschetta; its flavor complements the juicy tomatoes and peppery basil, deepening the dish overall.