For The Fluffiest Frittata, Be Sure To Cool It Off Slowly

Boiled, fried, or scrambled, there are many ways to cook eggs. However, one of our favorite ways is transforming eggs into a fully loaded frittata, sometimes laden with colorful carrots and goat cheese. Yet, even the most pared down of recipes still manage to wow — when prepared correctly, that is. While producing a fluffy frittata may rely heavily on the right cooking technique, that isn't the only key to guaranteeing a luscious texture. Knowing how to handle the eggy delight post-bake is equally as important. 


Making a good frittata involves vigorously beating eggs. A non-negotiable, this allows air to be incorporated into the custard. Consequently, as the frittata cooks, this trapped air causes the eggs to puff up, giving the dish its iconic light and fluffy texture. The only challenge is ensuring that it doesn't deflate too much once it's pulled from the oven, which is why a just-made frittata should always be left to cool as slowly as possible. 

Given its delicate nature, frittata needs to cool in its pan for several minutes before being moved onto a cooling rack, or even served. This resting period is essential as the residual heat from the pan must first finish the cooking process. As heat is transferred and eventually lost, this gives the custard a chance to fully set at a slower (and more gentle) rate, which can minimize shrinkage caused by a rapid change in temperature. It also helps prevent ingredients from oozing out of any still-soft spots within the frittata.


The tips and tricks that will keep frittata at its fluffiest

Although a certain amount of deflation is normal, using quality ingredients is one hack that will ensure your frittatas have a wonderfully springy finish. The freshest possible eggs not only boast the firmness necessary to give them their bouncy quality, but they also guarantee a better-tasting result. The same goes for other ingredients; use a generous amount of fresh (preferably, full-fat) dairy to keep the custard luscious, all the while limiting add-ins so as not to weigh your frittata down. 


When it comes to your pre-pan work, beating is the only way to achieve a light and bouncy texture, but don't overdo it — an excessive amount of beating introduces too much air, puffing it up too much, leading to an overly spongy consistency. The idea is to whisk eggs just to the point of being silky.

Lastly, cook the frittata with care. An oven that's way too hot will trigger inflation, leaving you with a dry end product. Instead, lower temperatures will lead to a moist and more evenly cooked frittata. Likewise, keep an eye on time. Pull the frittata from the oven once the center has set slightly, letting the pan's residual heat finish the job, for an ultra airy texture. Of course, don't forget to give the egg dish enough time to cool to guarantee a truly flawless frittata!


