Kuappi In Finland Is One Of The Smallest Restaurants In The World

In Finland, Kuappi is a testament to the idea that size is not the sole measure of greatness. In a world where extravagant, beautiful dining spaces often take center stage, Kuappi's small footprint has become its unique selling point. The restaurant's commitment to creating an intimate atmosphere, coupled with its culinary prowess, has earned it a place among the smallest restaurants in the world. 


Surrounded by water, Iisalmi is a vibrant village in the heart of Savoia. Nestled in the harbor of Iisalmi, Kuappi occupies a quaint wooden cabin. No, the restaurant isn't a charming trinket shop or a whimsical birdhouse; it's an official Guinness World Record holder. The entire venue is just 86 square feet, with a dining area barely exceeding half that. A single table for two, adorned with checkered linens and warm lighting, sits center stage, inviting diners into a shared, intimate dining experience. Beyond the dining room, a compact kitchen and a miniature bathroom complete the quirky footprint. And still on brand, guests can expect a full bar despite the small size. However, to fit in the cabin, the alcohol is kept in (what else?) mini bottles. The menu, while concise, is a testament to Finnish finesse, featuring fresh, seasonal ingredients transformed into heartwarming dishes that include fresh seafood and a staple bread with mushroom sauce. However, due to the size of Kuappi, the food comes from the nearby restaurant, Olutmestari.


Cozy cuisine in a quaint atmosphere

Kuappi, which loosely translates to "cupboard" in English, lives up to its name with its cozy and intimate atmosphere. While the physical footprint of Kuappi may be small, the menu features a range of traditional proteins and salads. However, it is the Hunter's steak sandwich that is specifically popular. The dish features grilled pork on white bread with a creamy forest mushroom sauce and arrives with a side of green salad, cucumber, tomato, marinated red onion, and house herb oil.


Kuappi is more than just a restaurant; it's a reminder that size doesn't matter when creating memorable experiences and forging deeper connections. So, if you're ever in Finland and seeking an adventure that tickles your taste buds, look no further than Kuappi. And don't stop there, as there are plenty of other restaurants worldwide that offer unique dining experiences. Just remember to book your table for two — because sharing is genuinely caring in this world's smallest restaurant. A final word of advice: Be sure to make plans early, as it's challenging to get a reservation in the three months — June, July, and August — when they are open!

