If You Haven't Been Frying Livermush, Now Is The Time To Start

Livermush may be in the running for having one of the most deceptively unappealing names out there, but don't let that stop you from trying this North Carolina delicacy. Livermush is a seasoned liver spread, not unlike paté or terrine. This spread is made with pig livers and spices and held together with cornmeal to give it a pliable shape that can be spread or can be cooked in its molded shape. Common spices used to flavor livermush include black pepper and sage. Sage gives the livermush a unique earthy hint to balance out the heavier meat and grain flavors. While some people eat livermush cold on crackers or sandwiches, one of the best ways to enjoy this southern classic is to fry it up.

Livermush was designed to be an easy, no-frills addition to meals, so any way you choose to prepare it should have the same considerations. Frying livermush creates a delectable, addictive, crispy texture; almost like sausage. The cornmeal bits in the livermush crisp up excellently, and the meat and spices develop a more robust flavor. By the time you finish frying it, you'll have transformed the livermush into a unique meat that is perfect for sandwiches or to enjoy on its own.

How to fry and serve livermush

When you fry up livermush, you're just looking to get a nice sear on both sides of the meat. You can use a cast iron skillet or a stainless steel frying pan to achieve this. Heat some neutral oil, bacon grease, or butter in your pan. Once your cooking grease has come to temperature, you're set to begin frying. Livermush is not naturally fatty on its own, and you won't get any additional grease as you cook it, so it's recommended to cook it in a fat to reintroduce some of that flavor and texture. Once your livermush is lightly browned on each side, you'll know it's done frying.

In North Carolina, fried livermush is often enjoyed as part of an old-fashioned breakfast spread complete with eggs and buttermilk biscuits. Livermush is a great, inexpensive alternative to bacon or sausages and it brings a ton of flavor to your breakfast plate. Some people even enjoy topping their grits with fried livermush for a savory breakfast experience. Another popular way to enjoy fried livermush is on a sandwich with white bread and yellow American mustard. You can turn it into a breakfast sandwich by adding an egg into the mix as well.