Use Up Leftover Fruit Pulp For A Sweet Burst Of Flavor In Granola

There's nothing more delicious than homemade fruit juice. Not only does it taste better, but it's healthier than the store-bought version, too. And, while you make bottles of fresh juice to last you the week, don't forget to save the pulp to make a batch of granola instead of tossing it out.

It's common to add dried fruits or coconut flakes to granola, however, leftover fruit pulp completely elevates the experience. Rather than having a pop of dried cranberry here or an apricot there, mixing the granola in a blend of your favorite fruits' pulp allows its sweetness to permeate the mixture and deliver nature's honeyed taste — and extra nutrients — throughout the whole meal.

To whip up an extra scrumptious batch of granola, combine honey, lemon juice, fruit pulp, vanilla extract, and cinnamon together. For a fruitier taste, use about 3 cups of oats for 1 cup of fruit pulp. Once they're well combined, fold in the oats, as well as your preferred nuts and seeds. Then, whisk everything and lay it out on parchment paper to bake for around 10 to 15 minutes at 350 degrees Fahrenheit.

Save your fruit pulp for these sweet granola recipes

The possibilities for creative fruit pulp and granola combinations are endless. If you have any leftover coconut pulp, for example, add it to granola for a nutty treat. Along with the mild flavor of coconut, a blend of orange, pineapple, and mango pulp creates a bright, tropical taste. You can also mix chopped cashews, toasted oats, raisins, and dried kiwi into your yogurt parfaits for a taste of sunshine on a dreary morning.

When juicing blueberries, raspberries, and blackberries, use the resulting pulp to make a delectable batch of granola bars. Toss in toasted quinoa and slivered almonds for a crunchy addition. This is a great way to level up vanilla and white chocolate chip granola bars with the tartness of berries.

After you've juiced autumnal fruits like apples, grapes, cranberries, and pears, make some spiced granola with the leftover pulp. Mix cinnamon, allspice, nutmeg, and ground cloves with the pulp and lemon juice and combine with oats, chia seeds, and chopped walnuts. Then, use the rich, fruity granola to top off fall fruit and cocoa overnight oats – or just eat it plain!