Serve Eggs In Bacon Cups For An Easy Handheld Breakfast

As delicious and filling as a morning plate of bacon and eggs might be, busy weekdays don't always lend to the luxury of breakfasts eaten leisurely at a dining table. Enter egg-filled pieces of crispy bacon. These protein-packed bites can be snatched up quickly, eaten on the go, or reheated at a moment's notice for a satisfying afternoon snack. Even if you're tasked with feeding a large group for this weekend's brunch, preparing these convenient pieces of savory goodness in advance can help you plate dishes with ease and keep cleanup minimal after the last of the party has departed. 

Use bacon to fill the tins you use to make muffins and cupcakes, bake the meat-lined containers for 10 minutes, then remove the trays to fill each bacon cup with eggs. Bake to your preferred consistency and consider adapting this easy recipe to suit your palate and dietary preferences with herbs, seasonings, cheese, or chopped vegetables to boost flavor and nutrition.

A convenient recipe for quick snacks and meals

Whether you decide to plate your egg-filled bacon cups with side dishes or leave them on a serving platter for guests to help themselves, this recipe is the epitome of convenience. The hand-held size of bacon cups is ideal for eaters on the run, and once prepared, the bacon pieces can be easily stored to be heated up later on or packed into a container to take to the office. Paired with warm pieces of crunchy toast and a simple side salad, you'll be on your way to enjoying a hearty meal that keeps both bellies and mouths pleased.

With convenient and easy-to-distribute serving sizes, bacon cups can be the perfect dish to present to your next potluck or offer at tonight's dinner party. Set out homemade ketchup and chili crisp to let guests adorn their bites of egg-filled bacon as they please, and you may start a trend among your friends and colleagues with this deliciously simple and gratifying dish.