Togarashi Will Take Your Deviled Eggs To The Next Level

The wonders of eggs are diversely demonstrated in an endless number of dishes. One shining example that has probably made its way into your meals many times — whether they're family gatherings, summer picnics, or dinner parties — is the deviled egg. This classic dish is as familiar as it gets, yet also full of surprises and potential for flavor experimentation. If you ever find yourself in a repetitive rut and want to transform it into something more unique, a togarashi tweak might just be worth exploring.

Togarashi is a Japanese spice blend that consists of ground chili peppers, sesame seeds, mandarin orange peel, Sichuan peppercorns, and nori (dried seaweed). Made with such versatile ingredients, it offers a unique mix of toasty sweetness, gentle spice, and nutty, umami taste, accompanied by a subtle citrusy scent. These flavor notes are not something you'd expect to find in deviled eggs, but that's the beauty of it. They contrast the eggs' buttery, creamy richness, sprinkling in a touch of heat and flavor complexity that keeps the taste buds utterly intrigued. Beyond the flavor enhancement, there's also the visual appeal of having colorful, tiny specks of spices dancing all over the eggs' vibrant yellow filling. It's incredibly eye-catching, making the dish all the more outstanding.

A lot more ways to get creative than you think

Of course, the most foolproof way to incorporate togarashi into your deviled eggs is by simply mixing it into the egg fillings. This infuses the deviled eggs with the spice mix's intricate flavor notes, giving the creamy mayonnaise-mustard base a much more enticing, nuanced taste. If you want something more subtle, a generous sprinkle of togarashi over regular deviled eggs will also do the trick. This method allows the traditional flavors to shine while still adding a pop of heat and sensational aroma to every bite.

Feel free to take it one step further and incorporate other additions to your togarashi deviled eggs. There's a great range of toppings to get creative with, such as fish roe, yuzu zest, pickled ginger, dried seaweeds, or even kimchi. For a richer egg taste to counterbalance the spice's heat, consider swapping regular mayonnaise with Japanese kewpie mayo. Other Japanese condiments that would add an extra flair to your deviled eggs are wasabi, rice wine vinegar, miso, and furikake (a seasoning blend of toasted sesame seeds, seaweeds, salt, and pepper). If you've got the time, soy-cure the eggs beforehand for a one-of-a-kind Asian spin that imparts so much umami goodness.