45 Most Popular Beers, Ranked Worst To Best

You can find a barstool and a frosty mug of beer with your name on it in most cities or towns across the United States. From classic lagers and ales to gourmet craft beers, varied types of liquid gold are continually pumped out by breweries within the U.S. and around the world, working constantly to sate the thirst of millions of Americans.


After a round of online research, we've compiled a list highlighting many of the most popular beer brands available in the U.S., spanning the entire spectrum of taste and price. You can get most of these brews in major stores and decent bars — and we've done just that, examining all of these popular beers and determining a ranking of them through a combination of personal experience, industry insight, and customer reviews; a fuller explanation of our methodology is included at the end of this article.

So, crack open a cold one, settle into your comfy chair, and get ready to discover a brand-new favorite brew or two with our worst-to-best rundown of the nation's most popular suds.

45. Natural Light

Natural Light, widely known as Natty Light, bills itself as "Shore Champagne" — yet you're more likely to sip this American-style lager from a red Solo cup than a champagne flute.

Owing its light body and low calorie count to an extended brewing process, this easy-drinking beer by Anheuser-Busch is bought by the case for its affordability, if not its relatively flat flavor. Still, Natty Light has been serving partygoers and day drinkers continually since 1977, so it must be doing something right.


44. Milwaukee's Best

If you've had any other beer from Milwaukee, you know that this is not the best. In fact, it may be the worst beer from Milwaukee. Yet Milwaukee's Best is cheap, and it tastes less watered-down than other beers at its price point, and so it still sells well.


Miller Brewing Company makes this pale lager that is called "the beast" among fans. It's crisp, with some sweet notes of corn. If you're looking for a dad beer that isn't too light and does taste like beer, Milwaukee's Best is one of the most budget-friendly options. 

43. Busch Light

Although Busch Light is certainly a great low-carb beer option that won't ruin your diet, it's also a very subdued version of what beer is supposed to be. Busch Light is like water dressed up for beer as Halloween, with a last-minute costume and a vague understanding of what beer is supposed to be. The result is a pretty flavorless rendition of beer, with just the tiniest touch of corny, malty flavor that will let you know that you're drinking something other than filtered water. In short, Busch Light isn't terribly bad, but it's not terribly beery either.


42. Keystone Light

Keystone Light is a moderately beefy beer for a light option, although the taste does tend to skew a bit one-note. Unfortunately, you'll get a big mouthful of grainy flavor with accents of grain and rice and a ton of sugar. Keystone Light's downfall is its cloying sweetness. Unlike milkshake IPAs or big robust stouts, the sweeter elements don't seem like part of the game plan. They're just there.


You might enjoy your pint or three of Keystone Light if you can get past the sweetness. It's smooth and pleasantly carbonated but not so drinkable. That initial sip is a super sugar rush in the worst possible way.

41. Icehouse

Promotional material for Icehouse promises a bolder taste. Bolder than what is not specified, but in this case, it might refer to the beer's 5.5% ABV content. Throw in a lower price point, and we have a popular beer for pre-gaming.


According to Icehouse management, this was America's first domestic ice beer. This type of beer is made with traditional brewing and fermentation processes, but then the liquid is frozen to remove some of its water, increasing the alcohol content. Some might call it smooth, while others describe Icehouse as creamy and foamy. Either way, Icehouse gets the job done.

40. Miller64

Delicately designed with a beautiful, several-toned blue and label, Miller64 is a low-cal beer that clocks in at a slight 2.8 alcohol by volume, offering drinkers to sign up for a "dryish January" and still enjoy their brew. Unfortunately, the lovely packaging and promise of sober-adjacent drinking don't make up for Miller64's conspicuous lack of taste.


Miller64 can't hold a candle to company heavyweights like Miller Genuine Draft because there are just not a lot of beery flavors there. Its feather-light body and anticlimactic fizz factor are only eclipsed by the poor, watery taste that has hints of the good stuff but not much more.

39. Michelob Ultra

Michelob Ultra hit the beer-drinking scene in 2002, right when the Atkins diet was in full swing (via Vine Pair). Today, it still fits in well with a low-carb lifestyle, and while Michelob Ultra is undeniably ketolicious, it is lacking in the taste department.


Good news first; Michelob Ultra is intensely drinkable, making it an ideal beer for backyard barbecues and pick-up football games. But, the taste is weak, thin, and barely beer-like. With a muted, corny flavor and the slightest kick of malt, it's not much of a standout, even amongst light beer. Michelob Ultra does end on a bright, citrus note, but it's not enough to carry the taste.

38. Busch

Busch tends to get a bad reputation as the beer du jour of college blasts and frat parties, but the full-bodied version of this light lager isn't really half bad. It's got a luxe, golden hue and some nice malt running through the mix. So if you like a lighter beer with a tiny hit of hops and corn, Busch is the one for you.


It's not offensive, and there's no bad aftertaste, but it's also not a beer that makes a statement. As a result, Busch is a bit boring. Beer connoisseurs might turn their noses up, but it's a serviceable, if bland, beverage.

37. Miller Lite

Miller Light is a classic light beer, and it's one of the best ones to grab if you're in the mood for something cold and decently drinkable. Unfortunately, Miller Lite is a one-trick pony. Its forward frostiness and easy sippability are all that it truly has going for it. Under the hood, Miller Lite is a bit of a mess, heavy on the corn syrup, and has a strange, almost metallic aftertaste.


If you don't particularly enjoy beer but want something ice-cold, neutral flavored, and easy to chug down, grab the Miller Light. If not, it's a good idea to look elsewhere.

36. Miller High Life

Miller High Life edges out some of the other Miller offerings on our list because of its bright, juicy tang and apple flavor. You get a lot of taste from this beer initially, including a pleasant corn-scented base and a little caramel on the back end. It's dewy, soft, and slightly hoppy with a bitter note or two just to make things interesting.


Although Miller High Life has a lot going for it, especially as a commercially-made, budget beer, it does have a bit of skunky funk at the bottom. The first few sips tend to be pale lager gold, but the bottom of the bottle is a different story.

35. Coors Light

Coors Light is the quintessential American lager with a nice wheaty nose and pure grain taste. It's also got some fruit hidden in the mix, with bursts of pear and banana bread popping up throughout every sip. It's crisp and drinkable, best when mountains on the can turn icy-blue, and you can treat yourself to several without feeling overly full.


The problem is that Coors Light isn't a very beer-like beer. You'll get some hoppy flavor, but you have to really search for it. Depending on the batch, drinkers might notice a subtle but persistent soapy aftertaste, which muddles and diminishes the whole experience.

34. Michelob Light

Michelob Light might get overshadowed by its carb-conscious cousin, Michelob Ultra, but this light beer has much more to deliver in the taste department than Ultra can provide. First, it hits that coveted spot between keto-friendly and tasty, with a rich, toffee taste that rivals other light beers. You can actually taste the hops and luxe caramel notes in each sip.


Unfortunately, the notes are just insufficient to edge Michelob Light to the top tier of our list. While it's a smooth, drinkable draft, beer lovers might find it pedestrian, while low-carb enthusiasts will look to other options to satisfy their thirst.

33. Coors Banquet

Coors Banquet is a wallet-friendly nod to craft beer with a nice body and plenty of fruity notes. Sip carefully, and you'll pick up ripe bananas, hops, and malt. Its middle-of-the-road balance between intense dryness and rich malt makes it a good starter beer for aspiring craft drinkers, but it doesn't have the heft of some of its counterparts.


Despite its good pour, Coors Banquet tends to trend on the watery side, a shame because it seems full of such promise. If you're going to drink Coors, reach for Coors Banquet. Otherwise, there are plenty of superior craft beers at your disposal.

32. Bud Light

With its iconic blue and white can, Bud Light is a distinctive-looking beer with a predictable taste. It's certainly got that beer body, struck through with plenty of hops and malt and a nice citrusy note on the end to tie it up together. Bud Light finishes smooth and doesn't leave you with any lingering aftertaste, and you can easily drink a few of these tall boys without getting bloated.


Some might take issue with Bud Light's pour. This beer is intensely foamy, and that foam tends to have a corn-sugar essence that really detracts from strong points. Chug-a-lug it out of the can, and you won't encounter too many problems with the head, but a draft pour of Bud Light is a different story.

31. Miller Genuine Draft

From its old-school bottle design and budget-friendly cost to the generous pour of light honey-colored liquor inside each ice-cold bottle of Miller Genuine Draft, this cold-filtered beer tastes like it came out of the tap and hits the spot just right. Although it tends to be a little light and muddled on the flavor, Miller Genuine Draft is still a boozy, bready treat with a delicate nose and a yeasty tang.


Miller Genuine Draft tends to skew a bit corn-heavy, losing some of its nuances, especially as you drink more of the bottle, but overall it's a decent showing.

30. Bud Light Platinum

Bud Light Platinum takes Bud's signature deep blue can and puts an extra touch of bling in silver lettering and art-deco style design. The flavor is a step-up from the original, too, with a more malty taste and noticeable hops that push especially heavy on the tail end of each sip. However, it's more robust and flavor-forward than the original, and it finishes nice and clean.


Beer lovers who favor richer, hoppier blends or bitter stouts won't be over-the-moon about Bud Light Platinum. It is a little watery and sweet, but it's a decent, drinkable, reasonably-priced beer for those who dig a smooth middle-of-the-road blend.

29. Tecate

Tecate is a sweeter lager, but those dulcet notes play nicely with the crispness, yielding a surprisingly balanced blend that's slightly different from the other commercial options on the market. With a rich foundation of sweet corn, plenty of grain, and a robust mouthfeel that defies its weak-looking pour, Tecate is full of surprises.


For the ultimate treat, pair a cold pint glass of Tecate with a citrus wedge and a touch of lemon or lime juice. This little addition opens the flavors and lets them shine throughout the entire drink. It's the ideal beverage for a chilled-out Sunday Funday, as long as you're not nursing your beer. If your Tecate starts to warm up with the weather, it can become too sweet to drink. 

28. White Claw

While White Claw might be technically a hard seltzer, it still tops YouGovAmerica's list of most popular beers in the United States. Its reputation as a boozy, summertime seltzer is hard to dispute. Gluten-free and refreshing, White Claw flavors come in various punchy fruit essences like mango, blood orange, and blackberry. It's got a nice amount of fizz, a decent body, and will undoubtedly quench your thirst on a hot day.


Unfortunately, if you drink too much White Claw, you'll be on a one-way speeding train to heartburn city, and some of its more inventive flavors can skew cloying and overly sweet.

27. Corona Light

Corona Light is a perennial summertime fave; a sunny little pilsner and lager blend with understated maltiness, a bit of barley, and a whole lotta cereal and mellow hops. It's a light beer with some heft, and at a waistline-friendly 100 calories a pop, you won't have to choose between taste or your diet.


Corona Light is superb with citrus, so pop a wedge of lime in, close up the bottle top, and flip it over, so that tangy fruit infuses the entire bottle. Unfortunately, getting into a case of Corona without having some lime handy will feel like a flavorless mistake. Still, as it's easy to drink, available nearly everywhere, and beach-ready, Corona Light is the mildly hoppy, pleasantly malty, sun-drenched drink of choice for beach days. Just maybe not anywhere else.

26. Budweiser

Budweiser, the so-called "King of Beers," has an ongoing beef with a small Czech brewery over naming rights (via USA Today) and a considerable following in the United States. Budweiser, or Bud Heavy as it's more commonly known, is a highly inoffensive and easy-to-drink brew in a light lager style with some fruit and citrus.


This is a relatively well-crafted beer, starting and finishing light and lovely with no bitterness or excessive carbonation. It pours well and goes down smooth. Budweiser is strictly a decent beer, one that won't wow you but also won't leave you like you've been cheated.

25. Molson Canadian

Molson Canadian is unabashedly sweet and malty, with a clear amber color and a nice body. Although you won't get the sharp crispness in Molson Canadian that you enjoy in many other beers on our list, it's a very approachable, corn-flavored lager that pairs nicely with a big plate of nachos or bar peanuts.


Molson Canadian claims that they are the continent's oldest, longing running brewery, so sipping one allows you to enjoy a lot of nostalgic panache along with a friendly, approachable taste. You also won't get a massive head on a Molson Canadian draft pour, meaning you can gulp it down and order up another one. Talk about efficiency.

24. Foster's

Although Foster's touts itself as "Australian for beer," it's actually a United Kingdom blend with very few roots down under (via the Guardian). Nevertheless, this distinctive yellow, red, blue, and white can is a solidly drinkable lager with a rounded, silky mouthfeel and some delicate vanilla dancing around the edges. Prominent on the malt, Foster's tastes bold and yeasty and has a hit of bitter hops on the back end.


Some of Foster's skeptics say that the faux-Australian lager is metallic, and while we think it's barely noticeable, it's hard to deny in some cans. However, you'll mostly get a heady, malty, luscious brew that goes down smooth and leaves a sweet aftertaste.

23. Pabst Blue Ribbon

Aside from its hipster cred, which per CNN is fairly prominent these days, Pabst Blue Ribbon also is a fine brew and certainly one of the top beers you should be drinking. A light and luscious lager with a trademark old-school Americana can, Pabst Blue Ribbon, or PBR as its more commonly known, packs a serious corn, wheat, and malty punch that walks the line between crisp and sweet and finishes bone dry with no unpleasant aftertaste.


PBR might not be as bold or adventurous as other beers on our list. But, although it tends to play it safe, it's a straightforward beer to kick back with, pairing well with a handful of nuts at your local neighborhood watering hole. It also has a reputation as one of the cheaper beers you'll find.

22. Dos Equis

In addition to its innovative marketing, dubbed the "most interesting campaign in the world" (via Agency Search), Dos Equis has a hoppy, expertly composed pilsner taste that's never too extra or understated. It hits the mark just right, cementing Dos Equis as an excellent beer for your buck with notes of roasted malt and plenty of peppery but smooth hops.


The  Achilles heel of Dos Equis might be that it's a little one-note. Although you'll get the full-bodied flavor of a premium Mexican beer, there are not too many flavors to shake things up. Add a splash of lime juice, though, and you got yourself a primo drink.

21. St. Pauli Girl

With its trademark emerald green bottle and busty bartender, St. Pauli Girl is a recognizable lager that flaunts its German roots in taste and style. A rich, gold brew with a light malty touch and plenty of hops, St. Pauli Girl is a beer that spans all sorts of palates. It's light enough to appeal to casual beer drinkers but bold enough for hops aficionados to appreciate. This range is what makes St. Pauli Girl genuinely solid.


You won't get too much foam on your pour, another selling point, and the nose is rich and malty with a crisp edge and a touch of sweet grass. On the downside, we've found St. Pauli Girl to be a little variable. Some bottles taste excellent, while others can range from tasting so-so to downright skunked. 

20. Modelo Especial

Modelo Especial is a deceptively full-bodied beer with plenty of bright herbs, luscious honey, and corn flavors. You'll pick up the malt, too; a nice counterbalance to spicier hops. Modelo Especial is a unique beer all around with a decent amount of carbonation and a cheery golden hue. It's a classic pilsner that drinks down clean and crisp with the teensiest touch of orange on the end.


The orange is attractive because plenty of other brews on our list lean in hard to other citrus fruits like lime. It's a nice nod to the style while still giving Modelo Especial character all of its own.

19. Rolling Rock

Whether in bottles or cans, Rolling Rock is a legacy beer with a velvety consistency that goes down smooth and won't leave you with heartburn or indigestion. It's relatively sugary, so if you like bitter or heavily-hopped beers, you will want to give this one a pass. On the other hand, if you're looking for a nice, light, drinkable brew with notes of rice and corn, you can't go wrong with the Rock.


Although bottles of Rolling Rock can be slightly skunky, the cans rarely have this problem. Instead, you'll get the same satiny light taste all the way through to the bottom.

18. Heineken Light

Heineken Light does light beer proud, cutting back on the calories while still staying true to its European lager roots. Although this beer is a lighter variation of heftier, full-cal Heineken, you won't miss out on the flavor. It's delightfully bitter, a real beer drinker's beer, but it finishes nice and crisp. There's a fair amount of skunk, but it's intentional and works well with the sweetness, fruit flavor, and dash of corn.


Heineken Light uses premium hops, lending a bright, herbaceous twist to the brew and balancing off the autumnal fruit very nicely. It's somewhere between a commercial beer and a craft brew, and we're here for it.

17. Bud Light Lime

Bud Light Lime is one of the brand's best spin-offs, and it might just be the ultimate summer beer. It all starts off with a malty, crisp brew with a light-handed amount of hops thrown in. The kicker is the lime, a bold, beautiful citrusy flavor that permeates the beer and amplifies its natural flavors. The genius of Bud Light Lime lies in its ease of drink and simplicity.


While lesser beers require you to put the lime in yourself, Bud Light Lime does the heavy lifting for you. Just crack one open and prepare to savor.

16. Amstel

Amstel comes from a European brewery that's been going strong for the better part of two centuries, and it's truly mastered the craft of putting together a great brew. This pilsner-style beer is a little bit bitter, a lot malty, and low in both alcohol by volume and calories. Composed of only a few critical ingredients, Amstel is a minimalist style beer that relies strongly on tradition and quality.


The result is a flavor-forward brew with a nice finish and lingering notes of premium malt and herbaceous hops. It's a stellar pilsner, and you can find it virtually everywhere.

15. Corona Extra

The ultimate beachy booze, Corona Extra, or simply Corona as it's commonly known, is a vividly golden pale lager. Its sunny hue matches the bold taste, a crisp-as-paper Mexican lager with a slight touch of unctuous funk, plenty of wheaty taste, and a nice balance of malt and hops. Corona Extra is full-flavored without being aggressive or cloying, so you can easily kick back and suck down a few while watching the tide roll in.


One caveat; drink it ice-cold and quickly. A warm Corona Extra can throw a wrench in your beach buzz and leave you with a tacky taste in your mouth. However, served on ice, Corona Extra is legendary.

14. Modelo Negra

Modelo Negra is a rich, dark lager beer that manages to be endlessly drinkable and full of flavor at the same time. From the second you crack open your ice-cold Modelo Negara, you'll appreciate a nuanced toffee aroma mingling with low and deep toasted grain notes. The flavor gets better from there, with tons of caramel playing off the beer's natural bitterness.


Despite all the boldness, Modelo Negra keeps things relatively light, with a reasonably hefty body and an excellent finish. A savvy drinker may even pick up on some citrus at the very end, a bright surprise that rounds off the perfect sip nicely.

13. Yuengling Lager

Yuengling's robust maltiness makes this grocery-store fave seem more like a craft beer draft than something you can pick up anywhere, and that's a massive part of its charm. As America's Oldest Brewery, Yuengling has had plenty of time to perfect its standard formula of malty caramel and hops. In addition, since it's a Vienna-style lager, you can expect an impressive head when you pour it into a pint glass, although it's just as good out of the bottle.


If you love the sweetness of stout but don't want the heaviness that goes along with it, grab a bottle of Yuengling Lager. While you won't be getting anything fancy here, it's perfectly consistent.

12. Heineken

Classic Heineken is a lovely interplay of sweet and bitter with a malty foundation. This beefy beer is full of warm bready notes, some bright apple, and a bit of corn to round things off. There's skunkiness threaded through as well, an intentional layer of taste that amplifies the sweetness and plays up Heineken's bitter hops. Add a beautiful mouthfeel, sunshine color, and good head, and you have a first-class beer.


Heineken is best when super cold, so pop your sixer in the fridge or even freezer before cracking one open. The chill opens up all of the flavors superbly.

11. Stella Artois

Stella Artois is a higher-end, commercially available brew that will appeal to people who want a Belgian beer without the sky-high alcohol content and filling texture. Instead, you'll get the best of all worlds, with plenty of sugary, muted malt, bright and herbaceous hops, and subtle fruit. Stella Artois is a great example of premier beer making with a round, luxe mouthfeel and an excellent finish.


Best served in a glass so the flavors can develop and mature properly, Stella Artois has a slightly bitter nose accented with fresh hops and a touch of apple and malt. It's a step up from your usual bar fare. The bottle feels sophisticated and the taste certainly matches.

10. Beck's

German pilsner-style Beck's is super crisp, lemon-colored, and packed with roasty, hoppy flavor that gives it its signature bitterness while not overwhelming the palate. The level of acerbic bite in your standard Beck's is difficult to nail, making this beer a good choice for connoisseurs looking for something a little different to work into their boozy rotation. 


Despite the bitterness, Beck's manages to be soft and hoppy, with a round, luxurious taste complimented by tons of carbonation and a sharp, clean finish. It's floral, fruity, and fine, best drunk out of a frosted beer mug at your favorite neighborhood pub. Although the dryer notes of Beck's make it a must-have for some, it's unapproachable for others, and thus doesn't crack the top five.

9. Redd's Apple Ale

Redd's Apple Ale is a nice fusion between a cider and a beer, with tons of juicy apple taste offsetting the malt and hops. Since it is technically a beer, you won't get that dreaded cider heartburn after sipping a bottle or two. Although it's fruit-forward, it's not overly sweet, just a sweater-weather-worthy treat with plenty of autumnal fruit and a nice finish.


The malt works well with the apple, lending it a mellow caramelly flavor that's reminiscent of, but not quite as sweet as, toffee apples. Redd's Apple Ale is remarkably nuanced and downright tasty. However, even though the sugary nature is manageable with two or three Redd's, any more than that starts the feeling of a toothache.

8. Yuengling Light Lager

Yuengling Light Lager manages to accomplish something that most lesser light beers can only dream of; maintaining all of the flavors of its flagship Lager while shaving off some of the calories. Moreover, Yuengling Light Lager doesn't suffer for taste one bit. You'll get plenty of herbaceous flavors, a twinge of bitterness, beautiful malt, corn, and caramel, and a nice finish — just in a waistline-friendly package.


The mouthfeel is velvety and smooth, and Yuengling Light Lagers go down nicely with a comparably little burn on the end. Plus, since this beer is much lower in calories, you can drink it guilt-free.

7. Red Stripe

You don't need to visit Jamaica to appreciate the refreshment of a cold Red Stripe on a hot day. The amber lager has a medium body, yet is satisfying with its light bitterness and malty flavor. Red Stripe goes down smooth, and its sweet notes come from the unique inclusion of cassava.


Just feeling this distinctive short bottle in your hand brings a smile to your face. Red Stripe got its start in Jamaica in 1928. Although it's now owned by Heineken, this beer still gives us Caribbean vibes with every sip.

6. Guinness

Although many people agree that Guinness is an acquired taste, once you're bit by the Guinness bug, there's absolutely no going back. This canned and bottled stout is a fabulous mix of chocolate, coffee-tinged, malty brew with the absolute ideal amount of bitterness rounded up by a barley bite at the end. Guinness is satiny smooth, luxe, and dark. We find it to be oh-so-drinkable.


Guinness is easily one of the best commercial stouts on the market, and thanks to its nice earthy, roasted notes, it's a pretty accessible beer too. You have to get over that initial bitterness to enjoy the sheer wonder that is Guinness entirely.

5. Blue Moon

Blue Moon is a lovely little citrus-forward wheat ale with plenty of orange floating around in the hazy brew. It's got a beautiful pour, with flecks of fruit and wheat dancing in the amber-tinted liquid and foamy head. Good carbonation, the outstanding balance of flavor, and a nice burst of fruit define Blue Moon and set it apart from the pack.


In addition to the orange, you'll enjoy coriander, pepper, and plenty of bready flavor in every sip. The finish is crisp and slightly spicy, an excellent foil to the citrus itself, and a nod to the artistry of Blue Moon's brewers. Despite all the interesting traits, the fruit aspect is not attractive to everyone, and so for that reason, Blue Moon peaks at number four on our list. 

4. Samuel Adams

Samuel Adams is a legacy brewer, artfully putting out innovative spins on beers while sticking true to the classics. Its Boston Lager is a stellar example, a dark, malty triumph with a nice dusting of bitter hops and plenty of bready notes. You'll get toasty, mature hops at first swig, but then the hops will begin to materialize in crystal-clear herbaceous form to balance things out.


It's a complex flavor palate, but it flows together effortlessly, a true testament to the skill of Samuel Adam's brewers. Fortunately, Boston Lager is exceptionally popular, so you can buy and taste this great brew anywhere.

3. Dogfish Head 60 Minute IPA

It seems like any brewery can put out an IPA, but not all can make them drinkable. Dogfish Head manages this feat with panache, as its best-selling 60 Minute IPA packs an enjoyably citrusy, hoppy punch with orange and piney notes.


While the hops for this IPA are grown in the Northwest, Dogfish Head is proudly an East Coast brewery, based in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware — and a nautical-themed packaging redesign that rolled out in spring of 2024 reflects the company's coastal roots. We're always ready to set sail for brews like the highly rated 60 Minute IPA, which gets its name from a 60-minute boil with over 60 hop additions. 

2. Fat Tire

New Belgium's Fat Tire is a bold amber ale with a lot of caramelly, toasty malt, and yeast. It's a high-quality blend, relying more on the mix of herbaceous hops and premium malt rather than bells and whistles, and the quality shines through. In fact, it's an excellent beer for people who usually shun brew in lieu of other cocktails. Yes, it's just that good.


According to New Belgium's website, the formula for Fat Tire is nearly 100 years old and comes straight from Belgium itself. Clearly, the brewery knows better than to mess with perfection, and now we can all benefit from it. 

If you're a big fan of New Belgium's Fat Tire, you might be interested in purchasing the brand's merchandise from Amazon.

1. Great Lakes Dortmunder Gold Lager

Great Lakes Dortmunder Gold Lager has been on the brewery's taps and in bottles since 1988, and this pleasantly hoppy and malty brew is no stranger to awards and accolades. According to the Great Lakes website, Dortmunder Gold Lager has placed in the World Beer Championships a staggering 16 times and continues to wow beer drinkers with its genius blend of toasty malt and hops.


It's a simple brew, relying on two standard beer components, but the elegance and simplicity make it ideal for everyone from beer enthusiasts to total novices. Without a doubt, Dortmunder Gold Lager is one of the best beers you can buy.


This ranking was determined by considering each beer brand's flavor, ingredients, popularity, and price. Beer sales data, online reviews, and personal experience were drawn upon to arrive at the ranking order. Choosing a good beer can be more complicated than you'd think, and popularity is not always an indication of the best product. Still, the beers on this list have remained top choices for consumers in an ever-expanding sea of beverage options.


Whether you're sipping on an ice-cold imported beer specially ordered from a high-end liquor store, or purchasing budget-friendly cans by the case from a corner gas station, beer is meant to be enjoyed. Anyone who drinks beer is sure to find a favorite on this list.

Static Media owns and operates Tasting Table and Mashed.

