Why You Should Always Have Canned Salmon In Your Pantry

As any fish lover knows that salmon is one of the tastiest versions out there, boasting coral-pink flesh, delicious skin that crisps up when cooked, and a moist, flaky texture. Salmon can be wonderful all on its own as a baked filet, topped with a creamy spinach Florentine sauce, folded into soft corn tortillas as tacos, and so many more delicious variations. Plus, it doesn't hurt that salmon is one of the healthiest fish options out there, packed with heart-healthy Omega-3 fatty acids and high-quality protein, per Healthline.

Many of us are used to buying fresh or frozen salmon, but if you've been neglecting buying canned salmon up until now, you're going to want to reconsider. Much like canned tuna, canned salmon is an affordable, healthy protein with a long shelf life, providing a quick option for mixing into salads or piling on top of toast (via UnlockFood.ca).

Pick up a can of salmon on your next grocery store run

According to Rima Kleiner, a registered dietitian at Dish on Fish, canned salmon is a seriously overlooked food that can bring convenience and nutrition into the kitchen. "Canned or pouched salmon is affordable, delicious, and as nutritious as fresh and frozen ... since it is already cooked, canned and poached salmon makes for a super convenient protein!" she told us.

While canned foods are a staple that should line your pantry at all times, canned fish is particularly appealing since it is so dense in nutrients. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, canned pink salmon, which is the most commonly available type in America, packs 20 grams of protein per three-ounce serving, plus a quarter of the recommended daily intake of calcium. All that calcium is due to the fact that canned salmon is packed with its skin and bones, both of which soften throughout the heat of the canning process. As noted by UnlockFood.ca, the bones are so tender you'll barely notice them, and they're very good for you.

But what should you make with canned salmon? Pretty much anything you'd make with tuna, from flaking it on top of a salad to tucking it under a melty cap of cheese in a salmon melt to mixing it into some simple pan-fried fish cakes. So, the next time your local grocery store has a sale on canned salmon, run, don't walk.