What Is The Most Common Type Of Lemon At The Grocery Store?

Lemons are characterized by their tangy, tart flavor, and are usually sweetened up to enjoy in some ice-cold lemonade, lemon dessert bars, or a smooth curd. They also add a fun, fresh flavor to your glass of water as an alternative to sugary drinks — and lemon zest can act like all-natural sprinkles on top of your desserts to brighten them up.

Eating lemons can support heart health, reduce cancer risk, prevent kidney stones, and improve digestion, reports Healthline. They state that lemons contain vitamin C, soluble fiber, and citric acid, which can all contribute to these health benefits. Healthline also reports that vitamin C acts as an antioxidant, which can protect cells from free radicals.

When shopping for lemons, you may notice a few differences between varieties. Here are the four most common types of lemons that you will find at your local grocery store, and information about what sets them apart.

Differences in lemon varieties

The most common types of lemons found in grocery stores include Lisbon lemons, Eureka lemons, Meyer lemons, and Bearss lemons, per US Citrus. Though each variety has similar base flavors, there are a few slight differences that set them apart.

Lisbon lemons are what we typically picture when we think of lemons. They are more acidic, and can be identified by the pointed bottom (via US Citrus). Eureka lemons are pretty similar to the Lisbon taste-wise, but the skin is slightly better for zest. Visually, they can be told apart by the small neck under the stem.

Meyer lemons are actually a hybrid, not a true lemon. The Kitchn reports that they are a cross between a lemon and a mandarin orange, and are much sweeter than normal lemons. Bearss lemons, meanwhile, are nearly identical to Lisbon and Eureka lemons, but are characterized by a larger amount of fruit and essential oils, per US Citrus, making them the best choice for creating lemon-scented products.