How Much You Should Expect To Pay When Dining At The French Laundry

In the heart of Yountville, a picturesque neighborhood in Napa Valley, California, sits a charming restaurant that overlooks a small farm. The building, dating back to 1900, started as the Eagle Saloon and was famous for serving veterans that had moved to the new veteran home in the neighborhoods (via Thomas Keller). The Daily Mail reports today, the picturesque restaurant now houses one of the best restaurants and most desired reservations in the entire world.


Awarded an excellent 3-Michelin Star rating by the Michelin Guide, The French Laundry is a staple dining experience in the fine-dining culinary world. Chef Thomas Keller, the chef behind the innovative and modern French cooking style at The French Laundry, is an A-List celebrity as far as chefs go. His restaurants Per Se and Bouchon and The French Laundry all house their own Michelin stars, giving Keller a 7-star total under his belt.

So, if you're lucky enough to get a reservation at The French Laundry, how much can you expect to pay? The answer is — a lot.

The price is just the beginning.

First and foremost, the tip is included in your bill, according to Napa Tourist Guide. Now that the fear of adding a 20% expense is gone let's get down to the logistics. Dining at a 3-Michelin star experience is no cheap matter. Unlike many restaurants which feature an a la carte menu and a list of items to choose from, The French Laundry works as a chef's tasting menu. A tasting menu implies that each diner will receive each course and food option on the menu — as Chef Thomas Keller himself specifically curated it. His Napa Valley tasting menu consisting of nine courses, runs $350 a person (as a base).


Not included in your $350 dining fee are any add-ons, like dining upgrades, table requests, or drinks — like wine. We don't know about you, but it's only fitting to drink local wine from a neighboring vineyard when in Napa Valley. Their wine list can range from an $18 glass of Pinot Noir from the Sonoma Coast to a $5,500 bottle of champagne (via The French Laundry).

While not a frugal, cheap eats spot, a night out at The French Laundry can cost a table of two $700 for cuisine only — not including any drinks or a table in their recently renovated courtyard. It's important to note that while the dollar label may seem high, according to The New York Times, the farm-to-table dining experience is one of the world's most unique and mesmerizing dining experiences.


