The Absolute Best Ways To Reheat Filet Mignon

The filet mignon is often considered the king of steaks, and is typically a popular choice for any carnivore. It's usually one of the most expensive items on the menu at steakhouses, thanks to its extremely tender consistency. According to The Spruce Eats, this is because the filet is taken from a non-weight bearing section of the tenderloin. That means the connective tissue is not toughened by exercise, thus lending it a more delicate texture even when cooked.


A properly cooked filet can be melt-in-your-mouth soft and full of flavor. But if you have leftovers, it can be difficult to maintain those velvety qualities when you reheat the filet. There are several good methods for reheating most steaks, and they usually rely on low temperatures to evenly heat them without continuing to cook them further and inadvertently ruining the texture.

Foods Guy notes that moisture is the key to maintaining that texture. It recommends holding onto any extra juices left from the meal, and storing them along with your filet. They may come in handy for a few of the reheating methods, and will help prevent your steak from drying out in the refrigerator.

Keep it low and slow in the oven

The key to reheating your filet in an oven is to keep it at a low temperature, making it one of the slower methods for reheating. Cook's Illustrated notes that by using this method, and then searing the filet in a pan, the steak will retain its juices and have an even crispier finish.


Start by preheating your oven to 250 degrees Fahrenheit. While the oven warms up, put your filet mignon onto a wire rack resting in a rimmed baking sheet. Cooking time will vary depending on the size of the filet, but should take about 30 minutes for inch-and-a-half-thick steaks. Finished steaks will register an internal temperature of 110 degrees Fahrenheit.

Once that temperature is reached remove the filet from the oven, and pat the surface dry. Heat a high-smoke oil in your preferred skillet, and then place the filet in the pan to give it a sear. Cook it on both sides for about 60 to 90 seconds each. Resist the temptation to immediately dig in, and let the food rest for five minutes to maintain its juices.


In a skillet, give it a final sear

A skillet is another great tool for reheating filet mignon; it may take a while, but the results should be great. Men's Health recommends using a steaming method. Take the steak out of the refrigerator and allow it to warm up briefly on the counter. In the meantime, start warming up a skillet on medium-low heat. Once the pan has warmed up, place the filet into the skillet. Add a quarter cup of water away from the steak and cover it with a lid. The water should cook off quickly, providing a nice moist heat. If you find the result is a little more waterlogged, one possible fix is to use extra juices or beef stock instead of water. Also, keep in mind that larger cuts of steak are going to take longer to reheat, and smaller filets should be monitored closely to avoid overcooking. 


Once your steak has been gently brought back to life with a steam bath, it might help to also give it a sear. Add some oil to a pan and heat it on medium-high per Cook's Illustrated. Pat your steak dry, and place it into your hot pan to sear it for roughly 60 seconds on each side. Once you've got a good crisp sear on both sides, let your filet rest for five minutes before digging in.

Use half-power in the microwave

If all of that sounds like a lot of effort for some leftovers, you might prefer using a microwave. It is the typical go-to method for most people looking to reheat last night's dinner, and filet mignon is no different. It will require a good amount of care and patience to not overcook the meat, but it is still far faster than using the oven.


Put the filet into a microwave-safe container and add any leftover juices to help keep it from drying out (via My Chicago Steak). If you don't have any juices, some beef stock will do the trick as well. Cover the container with a microwave-safe lid or with plastic wrap. Then microwave at half power in 30-second increments until it is just warmed. You'll still want to give this some time to rest once it's done cooking so that it stays juicy.

Air fryer can cut risk of over-cooking

Using an air fryer is another super fast way to reheat leftover filet mignon. It can quickly heat up your food without sacrificing quality. According to Everyday Family Cooking, this method can lower the risk of overcooking versus the traditional oven option. Remember that thinner steaks should be removed first if different cuts of steak are being reheated together.


Start by preheating your air fryer to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Place your filet directly into the basket, and let it cook for roughly three to five minutes. The cooking time will depend on the size of the steak; thinner cuts should be checked after two minutes. Once it's finished, remove the filet from the air fryer and let it rest five minutes while covered in foil. You can also add any leftover juices, beef stock, or melted butter to the filet while it rests to keep it from drying out. 

