IKEA Restaurant Vegan Ice Cream

While we'll have to wait at least a few years to see how it all shakes out, IKEA has just revealed plans to expand its popular cafeteria menu to include healthier, more sustainable options. Before you ask, there's no word yet how the plan will affect those precious Swedish meatballs, which, by the way, aren't actually from Sweden.

In a manifesto published this month, the Swedish furniture giant outlines its big-picture strategy on how it'll elevate sustainability across all facets of the business, from issues dealing with the global inequality gap to climate change and responsible consumerism.

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As one of the top 10 largest food producers in the world, the IKEA Bistro naturally falls under this purview, and the company is pledging to make a positive impact by offering "a food range that makes more sustainable, healthier eating delicious and affordable" for the masses.

So how might all this affect your next IKEA run?

For one, you may be seeing vegan hot dogs soon. The more immediate news, however, comes from the IKEA Food Services Instagram account, which announced earlier this month the launch of vegan soft-serve ice cream by summer 2019.  

So, the short answer: vegan-friendly options incoming.