Salvation Army Grocery Store

The newest grocery store to keep an eye on isn't trying to woo you with bottles of rosé or free two-hour delivery. Instead, DMG Foods, a brand-new concept from The Salvation Army that just opened in Baltimore, is the country's first-ever nonprofit grocery chain.

Named after the charity organization's motto (Doing the Most Good), the store's aim is to "present a sustainable model that engages the community in order for them to eat healthier, smarter, cheaper and all of that," Gene Hogg, The Salvation Army's area commander for Baltimore, tells The Shelby Report.

Located in a 7,000-square-foot warehouse, DMG Foods is no different than any other supermarket, with on-site butchers, deli counters and areas where shoppers can pick up premade meals. The store is open to all community members, regardless of their income level, with those on SNAP benefits eligible to receive additional coupons. (According to GrubStreet, DMG Foods aims to double the amount of food people on SNAP can buy. 

There's also a workforce development program for store employees to improve their customer service skills, in addition to various educational workshops to teach community members about healthier shopping and eating habits. If all goes well at this pilot store, The Salvation Army plans to expand the concept to other food desert areas nationwide.