The Best Shark Week-Themed Food And Drink

There are seven days a year when the unthinkable happens: You can get mere feet away from a shiver of sharks without fear of getting mauled to death.

Shark Week, the annual TV special that gets everyone so riled up, is debatably a bigger deal than an episode of Game of Thrones. And the food world is reacting appropriately, because watching giant fish rule the ocean surely requires snacks. Think bloodred cocktails and ocean-inspired baked goods, plus plenty of blue food.

From the looks of all these shark-themed goods, one thing's for sure: You're gonna need a bigger plate.

 7-Eleven debuted its gummy shark-topped doughnut a month in advance, and now it's actually relevant. In true shark attack form, it oozes red filling when you bite into it.

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 If you're not one to subscribe to blue-dyed food, get creative with strategically placed hand art, like this Chick-fil-A example.

 San Antonio restaurant Cured is celebrating "Charc Week," which includes seafood charcuterie (of course) and a bottled blueberry-gin cocktail called Blood in the Water.

Photo: Courtesy of Cured

 A shark-shaped watermelon is your go-to centerpiece for a viewing party. It doesn't hurt that what's inside—salty, spicy fruit salad—will also make your guests', er, jaws drop.

 Bottoms up at Georgetown Cupcake, where shark fins and mermaid tails take the place of standard cupcake decoration.

Photo: Courtesy of Georgetown Cupcakes via Facebook

 Get your frozen dessert in sundae or cupcake form at Cold Stone, where the gummy sharks are flowing and the sweet cream ice cream is tinted blue.

 This hand-spun shake at Daily Eats in Florida, featuring a marshmallow drizzle, strawberry swirl and plastic shark-shaped appliqué, is off the hook.